what's he doin' Touchy, putting some wire & a treb on one of those "seafood" sticks ya buy at the takeawayOriginally Posted by Touchy
what's he doin' Touchy, putting some wire & a treb on one of those "seafood" sticks ya buy at the takeawayOriginally Posted by Touchy
8),I thought I was the only one that had thought of that !!
. T ><>.
Maybe Phil's worked out a way to fit oil soaked mini-lycras on the mackmauler slugs![]()
Originally Posted by CHRIS_aka_GWH
Thats a great offer Chris. I will save you the time & take up the offer to PM Nugget - but it was a top effort. The other list I always find interesting is the rundown of lures and colours that took fish in the Flathead Classic. Its difficult to find also unless Greeny writes an article somewhere. Nugget - PM is on its way.