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Remember my lure question?
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Thread: Remember my lure question?

  1. #1

    Remember my lure question?

    A few weeks ago I asked everyone what was their favourite lure.
    I said then I had an undisclosed motive - the truth is I was writing an article for the Courier Mail.
    I've put together a list of 24 favourite lures - some that were mentioned here are on the list and some aren't.
    It's my selection - a range that covers from the surface to the bottom in metal, hard and soft body.
    I'm sure many will disagree with those I've chosen but I think anyone with these in their tackle box should be ready for almost anything that swims - barring game fish.
    The article should be in this Saturdays Courier Mail - It should be a full colour lift out with a photo of each lure - I haven't seen the end result.

    This Sunday Talking Fishing on 4BC will be a 2 hour Show starting at 4am with the first hour dedicated to lures.
    There will be interviews with lure makers and users.

    Tune in if you're up that early.

    Dave ><>

  2. #2

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Top stuff Dave, saw that advertised last night. I look forward to the read

  3. #3

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    And for those of us in the southern states who don't get the Courier Mail. Apparently its blocked at the border. Any chance of seeing the list sometime ?

  4. #4

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    send us a private pm gunna with ya adress & i'll mail the article to you.

    copies of Dave's work are becoming collectors items in his twilight years.

    It should be a great talking point Dave, we all have our favorites based on or own experiences - we all have different experiences.

    Lure manufacturers wait in anticipation.

    It would be interesting to track lure sales of the lucky 24 post Saturday 30/10/04.


  5. #5

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Crikey - I'd hate to think anything I wrote was that influential!

    Chris - just for you - I've also put together a series of lift outs on beaches.
    I basically drove to every beach between here and Byron and wrote - from looking, memory and asking locals (and mates) a fishing description.

    Not sure when it comes out but I believe it will be a three part series in booklet form.

    ... And more to come.

    Gunna - PM me your email address and I'll send you what I submitted - no guarantee that’s what will come out in print on Sat though.

    Dave ><>

  6. #6

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    dave buddy hate to be a pain but i too would love to see the list

    bloody hell this liveing in NSW stuff is startting to get hard

  7. #7

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Can't see the Lucky_Phill's mackmauler Slug, making the grade. Maybe next year !

    I see the show goes for 2 hours Dave. NSW Daylight saving ?

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  8. #8

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Sorry mate - the Macmauler slugs didn't make it this time.

    Yes the 2 hour Show is a result of daylight saving.

    I'll PM you what I submitted.

    Dave ><>

  9. #9

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    About the time the paper put some articles in on fishing!!!!!!!!, the standard 'reports' i'm sure are repeated every 6 weeks

  10. #10
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Does this mean we can phone and annoy you for 2 hours, and quiz the old brain , did you include squid/yakka/mullet/divers/hardiheads/poddies/slimies in the best lures around .

  11. #11

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nugget
    Sorry mate - the Macmauler slugs didn't make it this time.
    Dave ><>
    thats harsh dave, phills one chance to be famous for something other than lycras


  12. #12

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    On'ya Nugget thanks for the effort and I'll make sure to get the guide.
    Joakim AKA Burley Boy

  13. #13

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Well done! how did you get the CM to pick up the story? I hope they pay more than their usual peanuts.

    Cheers doug

  14. #14

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    Webby,I heard on the grapevine only the other day that Phil is working on a mackmauler that SMELLS like squid/yakka/mullet/divers/hardiheads/poddies/slimies ,heh Phil, Just image one slug does 'em all .Touchy.><>.

  15. #15

    Re: Remember my lure question?

    They sound great Touchy - I want one on toast Phil.
    ... On second thought, there's no way I'm going to eat Phil's slug.

    Doug - they rung and asked me on this occasion.
    Probably because a have a small fishing round up in there every week.
    The editor of the Outdoor section (Mark Voisey) is a great bloke.

    Dave ><>

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