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Whats Your Worst Injury? - Page 3
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Thread: Whats Your Worst Injury?

  1. #31

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    that non-contact stuff will get ya ever time eh dane.

    very little of my skin is the original + broken noses from footy & a field hockey ball (plural), front teeth smashed in from an iron plate falling on my face when I was working under a bus...

    - index finger flat as a 20c coin between a gate & post

    - toes split right apart up thru the webbing into the foot proper, riding barefoot on a bike & losing it - the spoke did the cutting work

    - bike accident on mt buderim that left my kneecap showing - rode to a doctor

    - THE MOST HUMBLING... was vacuuming one morning before work to surprise the missus who had gone to work early. Walking backwards whilst doing it I tripped & fell ass first thru a glass top coffee table. A 30cm sabre shaped piece of glass went into my left buttock - the docs don't know how it missed the siatic (?) nerve. When I stood up out of the table I had only minor scratches - I was amazed & thankful that I didn't put my hands down or I would have cut my wrists. I felt a dribble down the back of my leg so I went to the bedroom to look in the full length mirror. I bent over to get the best view onf the back of my legs & the wound opened & sprayed the mirror like a gerni - i remember thinking - awww shit, then phoning my brother sheepishly for help.
    THE LESSON - vacuuming is woman's work !

    none of that hurt anywhere near as much as watching my 18 month old son get stitches in his bottom lip - i would have taken it all tenfold again for him to avoid that - its a bitter sweet thing only a parent could understand.

    Dane, if he's never said it - your old man thinks that thought for sure - & your ticker & gusto mate soothes his agony.

    Hope I didn't cross a boundary there.


  2. #32

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    Quote Originally Posted by CHRIS_aka_GWH
    that non-contact stuff will get ya ever time eh dane.
    Cheers Chis, no boundrys crossed. Yeh did it diving for a try in the grand final, ran into an opponents knees/shins head first - no spear tackle involed Just freaky/unlucky i guess... gotta keep on keeping on though, despite set backs, you only live once

  3. #33
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    hmm mine is nothing much compared to others but sisterly love bought mine on.

    my sister and I were trying to find a way to remove a cricket stump from the ground which was completely imbedded in. Anyway me being stupid ran to the shed and pulled out the pitch fork. Anyway i bought it to her and she got pissed and yelled at me saying this isnt going to work. She then proceeded to poke the fork at me and sing dance tom dance while i screamed stop it stop it. as i screamed stop she stopped and i stopped but she didnt stop iuntil the pitch fork had imbedded through the side of my foot and come out the bottom.

    anyway my mates brother was riding his yammy 250 and struck a tree stump causing him to fly over his handle bars and cutting his leg up very badly resulting in approximately 150-200 stitches up his leg. To make it worse he also broke his femur and his ear was then dangling by a thread and needing stitches around his ear

  4. #34

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    This is my wifes story in her own hand

    Funny isn’t it that we all remember so clearly that day that changed our lives…I probably couldn’t tell you a lot about the day leading up to my accident, nor the following days…ummmmmm that’s prolly cause I was in a coma…

    It was 1981, March 2nd, and I had been to a town to visit my aunt. My friend and I decided to leave early to head home as mum had a roast on…

    10:15 in the morning when we turned onto a gravel road that I had travelled some 20 times, but today it was loose as it had just been resurfaced and graded so I was very cautious as I headed along. I was doing about 60km an hour, but the guy coming the other way wasn’t as experienced in gravel or country driving and obviously thought the faster you got to the other end the better so he was doing in excess of 110kms per hour. When he came over the hill it was obvious he didn’t have control of his vehicle but there was no where for me to go so I just put my feet on the floor of the car and hoped he would sneak on by…uh uh….the next thing I remember is crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaashhhhhhhhhhhh and my car spinning as he had hit me head on. Didn’t have much feeling in my legs so thought they must have been broken …could have had something to do with the engine that was now sitting firmly on them.

    We were out in the country but lucky that about 30 minutes after the accident a family came by and stopped…to this day I swear that I owe my life to a 13 year old boy who kept my adrenalin going by teasing me and not letting me go to sleep..the Dr's have since said if I had gone to sleep that would have been it. This young boy stayed with me while his father went on into town to get help…no mobiles in them there days….The police, ambulance fire dept arrived…hmmmm a bit dramatic me thinks ... but they had to use the jaws of life to get me out of the car as I was trapped….some 4 hours had now passed and they were concerned about the amount of blood I had lost so they were pretty intent on getting me on board a life flight…

    I did well on the flight etc until I got to the Royal Perth Hospital…like I knew I didn’t have to fight anymore, promptly went into a coma…My parents were told that I had a broken ankle and I would be out on crutches but my dad knew better as I was in the resus unit by now….after hours of xrays etc they finally gave my injuries as: 2 X crushed femurs, 1 X compound dislocated fibula and tib (ankle), 12 broken ribs, flailed chest, collapsed lung, punctured lung, clot on the brain, closed head injury causing a 4 sided bleed (was in a coma for 6 weeks), 3 X compressed vertebrae in my back, crushed pelvis, sliced tendon in my finger (now that hurt), broken nose , broken jaw, major facial cuts, various cuts and bruises and a crushed heel…where the accelerator had gone over my foot it had minced the top of my foot but hadn’t broken the skin – only a little nick – perfect breeding ground for good old gangrene…Well to cut a long long story off at the knees, I have had 42 surgeries and Murphy’s law says that the last op was meant to be the last but instead I ended up with a bony tumour in my hip so take morph every day..First stint in hospital was 18 months and then on and off in varying lengths of time since them….Greatest achievements being proving them wrong and keeping my legs, then walking on them, then having two wonderful kids that I have been told there is no medical reason that I should have had them.

    Something I'll add, over twenty years down the track and she is on 240mg of Morphine a day for complications arising from the accident. The bloke driving the car that hit her ? he got up and walked away from it all without a scratch, surprising how much alcohol can protect a person. Drink driving rarely hurts the drunk, but the innocent can suffer for years

  5. #35

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    Bungie - Youre wife is a great example of someone with true courage. Amazing story of personal achievement to come through that.



  6. #36

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    Bloody amazing Bungie What was it like the day she woke up after being in a coma for 6 weeks? That would have been such an unbelievable feeling of relief to have her back!

  7. #37

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    little tip, when working on the lathe always be carefull. I was on the lathe at school and i stopped it and as it was slowing down i put my hand on it and it caught my thumb and it dragged it under the guard thing and was burning it an ripped a few layers of skin off about the size of a 5 cent piece and i have no feeling in my thumb or i cant move it it kinda hurt but its all good freaked a few people out and if i'm lucky i'll have a cool scar

  8. #38

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    DC, the accident was before we met, but her folks say it was a very dark time in their lives

  9. #39

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    Had plenty of breaks and cuts as a kid most of them inflicted by others. The worst pain I can recall as a kid is a broken collar bone and dislocated shoulder that went untreated for 10 days.......a perforated ear drum from diving too deep comes close.

    The worst as an adult, was a couple of episodes of chest pain a few years ago that had me on my knees gasping for air and thinking I was dying.

    The funniest (in retrospect) was when I got in a scrap with a guy called Roger Kenyon (yes you pomms) the guy who used to play for Everton. I was in a park by a ride called a gondola which is a smaller version of the big ones you see at places like Sea World. He gave me a clout and I threw one back.......woke up in hospital with a broken hand and 6 stitches in my chin. Apparently, I'd missed him and hit the supports breaking my fist. Whildst I was hopping around in pain, I stepped in front of the gondola which hit me under the chin and proceeded to carry me skywards :-) Everybody buggered off and I was found by a passer-by.

    A week later I was skating and fell and split the stitches. The girl across the road came to help me......I was in love with her......she was 17 and I was 14 (and naiive) and I thought she was the best thing since sliced bread. She patched me up and put me on a bus to the hospital. Everyone was looking at me weirdly and I thought, "what's up with them? It's only a bloody cut". Wasn't till later when she apologised for the "bandage" that I found out it was a sanitary towel that she'd placed on my chin and put the loops over my ears to hold it in place :-) Luckily, none of my mates saw me :-)

    Thought I'd had a rough time till I read some of the posts on this thread.....I'm humbled.

    cheers kev

  10. #40

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    I remember once getting home after a days fishing with no fish, my looks at me and says “you’re hopeless, you can’t fish” - just like that with seemingly no thought whatsoever just what it meant.

    It hurt me – hurt me bad, cut straight to the bone. I start to sweat each and every time I pick up the gear now. I just hope none of you guys have to go through that

  11. #41

    Re: Whats Your Worst Injury?

    After reading about all these injuries that happened as aresult of accidents. I'm so glad my back just wore out to the point of needing a couple of surgeries rather than some horrific accident.
    The bad side is i can't do heavy work, even a carton of beer is too heavy ,but atleast my surgeon says i can still go fishing ,so i try to go once or twice a week, my insurance pays me for this so life is pretty relaxed for me. ( except for the dodgy back of course).
    Good luck to all that are still recovering , some of those accidents sound terrible

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