Ausfish Platinum Member
Favourite Berley Ingredients
Ever since I bought a cheap blender I have been experimenting with all types of berley with much success. I was just wondering if anyone had any favourite berley ingredients especially for estury fishing?
Ausfish Gold Member
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
I use the one suggested on Nugget's site - 50% boiled wheat, 50% laying pellets (chook food), sand to help it sink, and oil.
It works quite well.
I also chunk up a lot of old baits and fish frames.
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
carrrot.................there is alwys CARROT in berly.
mick [smiley=drunk.gif]
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
Dont forget those near indestructable corn kernels
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
I find everything bites better with a burly of fishframes, sand and boild soup mix (split peas). The bream, Jack and Flathead love it.
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
Don't forget a can of Whiskes Pilchard, Sardine & Tuna variety. A mix made in heaven. [smiley=angel.gif]
Ausfish Gold Member
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
I was fishin at donny brook 1 day we had only got a couple of fish when i chucked a pastie drowned in worcestershire sauce over the side.The fish went stupid! i got 3 flathead and 9 bream in about 20 mins.When i cleaned em they all had pastie in em.I have tried worcester in a few berlies since then and it seems to improve them.
Ausfish Bronze Member
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
Worcester is pretty much fermented anchovies, mate, that's why.
Now, anyone know a berley bream HATE??
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
I would say Sh!t Render but they even eat that [smiley=speechless.gif]
Ausfish Platinum Member
Re: Favourite Berley Ingredients
Berley mix.
Bread, chook pellets, pilchards, tuna oil and a little boiling water.
Whiz it all up into a mush, freeze it into blocks let it defrost in a berley pot floating, or on the bottom in current.
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