PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Stolen Crab Pots
A mate and I learnt a lesson in stupidity today by leaving our pots in a creek for a few days and checking them after work each day. We were pretty sure someone had checked them the day before (either Sunday night or Monday morning) as we had only Jennies and one pot had 'moved'.
We rebaited them and came back this arvo only to discover two had gone and a third one had been broken into with the top hook cut open.
This is the first time I've ever done anything like this and straight up I've been shafted. I'd love to get my hands on the #$@%#@ who think this sort of thing is OK. Man that s**ts me.
Aaaahh I feel much better now. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Mate it's even worse when you catch them in the act and realise that a few crabs aren't worth getting hurt over. (plus the guy I was with was already on probation for violence > )
It really does take the fun and rewards out of crabbing. It's so bad now days that I don't even bother...
Same stuff different day.
Heard this one a million times before.
Sorry to hear, but you need to gaurd them with a gun if you want to keep them.
Cheers Kev.
My ol man was fishin the bay one day, when some crazy dude motored up holding a shotgun and started raving about people stealing crab pots, its one of those things really there will always be scum around that think they are entitled to free crabs.
well them i hope all the crabs they got were just as emptie!!!
long gone are the days of trust
it is even starting to get that bad down here to the point of having some dillies stolen (not me but other fishermen)
what creek are you talking about Daintree,where i live we have a lot of problems with people stealing crab pots and i was talking to someone a couple of weeks ago that had the same story you have.i cant be sure by your blured photo but you look simular to him.anyway i thought his crab pots were long gone but my dad found them on the side of our road (dirt road and very bushy)i took them up to where he was working but he had allready finished his job so i still have them
Last easter I had a $50 note put in my crab pot while houseboating on the tweed river - couldn't believe my luck!!! Must have had a few crabs in it for that
Sorry to hear about that daintree boy, but as some of the other guys have said, you have to be careful as you don't know who you're dealing with.
My oldest son and I pulled alongside a guy that was emptying one of our pots in the Pine River only to be met by two other guys coming out of his cabin. They were built like brick dunnies and grogged up to the eyeballs. I was just about fearing the worst when the prick hauling the pot fell overboard! Worth losing a pot and a great laugh to round off the day.
The Pine River is really bad for "raiders" and nowadays I only use my "pro" pots when I am anchored in view. Elsewhere, I use the 7 buck ones that I don't mind losing now and again.
Anyone launching at deepwater bend on the pine river should be aware that the ferals have now stooped to even lower depths. They're actually removing rollers and winches from trailers. I get my missus to launch me in the morning and then take the trailer home, as I live locally.
Hope it doesn't get any worse on the fishing scene as we've now taken to launching at Rudy Maas since our trailers were "lightened" at jacob's Well. Amazing how guys have the balls to do stuff like that at such a busy ramp!