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Thread: Fishing Party

  1. #16

    Re: Fishing Party

    Good to see a few of you planning to turn up. Tell any mates. It will be an historic event forming our first sub-branch and who knows where it will lead. One thing is for sure. It beats the hell out of just whinging about things when you actually have a go at making a difference. The future of our sport, really is in our own hands as the current political system will be the death of recreational fishing if it continues to run its present course without us taking a stand.

    Look forward to meeting a few of you on Sunday 28th.



  2. #17

    Re: Fishing Party

    To: Bribie Guys

    I will be taking my 2 boys to Bribie this weekend and staying locally. It would be a good opportunity to say hi and fill you in about the last election, and give you a few stickers and posters. ( and you could always point us toward a few fish while you are at it!)

    Give me a call of email me your number.

    look forward to it.

    0412 111 573

  3. #18

    Re: Fishing Party

    Gary, will see you there. I'm hoping to ask the local game club and other fishing clubs on the Island to see if they want to come and along. Can't hurt as the majority of these clubs urge the younger generation to join and they are the future.

    Gunna, if we can do something up here, I will let you know some tips that worked for us and maybe you could try it down south. It will only take a few people to start making a noise and doing something and things should start to happen. The hardest step is the first one espercially when you go onto new ground. Here's hoping.


  4. #19

    Re: Fishing Party


    This is just a pre - meeting. Kevin is teh Guru and teh spokes person.

    I will be learning too - but happy to tell you what I know and think - fill you in on the history for 30 minutes or so.

    Col's office 10 am saturday

    look forward to meeting you guys

  5. #20

    Re: Fishing Party

    Hi All, Just a reminder that a Fishing Party sub branch meeting is to be held at the Bribie Hotel on this Sunday at 5pm.
    Bribie is hopefully going to be the first sub branch and if anyone is interested, come along.

  6. #21

    Re: Fishing Party

    Bribie Hotel?

    Is that the one on the Surf Side? at Woorim? or is it???

  7. #22

    Re: Fishing Party

    The Bribie Hotel is the one just over the bridge on the left hand side and over looks the Passage. It's easy to find.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Bronze Member luigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: Fishing Party

    Onya Kevin & the rest of you guys. Hope the meeting goes well. Pitty its a bit far to travel (1500k) from up here.

    I coughed up with my $22 membership to the FP some time ago & I tell ya, it feels good to be able to support something I really believe in & thats fishing. So how about it you mob?

    Cheers - Lou
    Timber lures - just bung 'em in the water mate & hang on !!!

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Fishing Party

    just a thought ??? are donations [smiley=greedy.gif] to political parties tax [smiley=evil.gif] deductable [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

  10. #25

    Re: Fishing Party

    hi all,
    yesterday arvo we had our meeting. it was attended by 12 people. a big thanks to kev collins and gary fooks who attended and pointed us in the right direction.
    the north brisbane sub branch of the fishing party was formed.
    we had a good cross section of the community. ie rec fisho's, local bussinessmen and commercial fisherman.

    we are planning another meeting in early january. i will post the date and location asap.
    the main agenda item will be the inshore fin fish management plan.
    currently the govt are reviewing OUR bread and butter species ie: bream, whiting, flathead etc. they will be looking at size and take and possession limits, spawning season closures etc etc. there are a couple of worrying paragraphs relating to closure of certain areas to fishing.

    for those who recon it won't happen in our back yard, have a lok up north. it has happened.

    i urge everyone to have a read.

    if anyone wants a membership form or fishing party stickers pm or e-mail me your address and i will get them to you


  11. #26

    Re: Fishing Party

    Cheers guys

    It was great to meet you all There are a lot of smarts - knowledge and ideas out amongst you all.

    As you know Kevin Collins grew up at Donybrook - his dad had the boat hire for years. So as well as knowing the North where he lives now, he knows the Passage - its just that he is out of date with current issues. Thats where you guys coem in.

    I would enjoy coming to your meetings so please set up a few dates and book a room. If you like I could share teh results from the last election. ( I'm good on boring stuff like that!)

    So - whats the email address and phone number for people to contact you ?


  12. #27

    Re: Fishing Party

    thanks gary

    contact details are as follows
    darren apps (dazza)
    ph 0417191282


  13. #28

    Re: Fishing Party

    fishing party queensland, north brisbane sub branch meeting
    wednesday 15th december commencing 7.00 pm
    at shed number 2, 213 1st avenue bribie island, next to bribie boats
    main agenda item is the inshore fin fish management policy,
    we hope to explain the above policy, and provide as much information as possible

    again i urge people to have a read


  14. #29
    Ausfish Bronze Member luigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: Fishing Party

    G'day Dazza,

    I have just waded/ploughed my way through that DPI reference you gave & fair dinkum, my head is reeling. You would need to be Einstein to fully understand what it's all about I reckon. But then again, I suspect that's the purpose - make it difficult for the average Joe so he will bung it in the 'Too Hard' basket.

    I get the impression that once again, commercial & recreational fishing is being put into the same basket similar to what GBRMPA has done in the Representative Areas Programme. If so, rec fishing will dip out once more.

    Instead of all this goblegoop, why can't they just look at what has been done in the Northern Territory & implement similar measures over here. A vibrant ecologically sustainable fishery has been created in the Territory, I can't see why their ideas won't do the same for Queensland & the rest of Australia.

    But then again, I suppose that idea would be too easy.
    Timber lures - just bung 'em in the water mate & hang on !!!

  15. #30

    Re: Fishing Party

    The meeting will be held at shed 2, 213 First Avenue, Bribie Island.

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