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The Battlelines are being drawn - Page 2
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Thread: The Battlelines are being drawn

  1. #16

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    I agree KC that people need to stand up for what is right but I also believe what Render has written about fanatacism to be true.

    Those who fight back shouldn't let the fight draw them into their own type of fanatacism and in the process be just as discredited.

    In other words don't stoop to their level.

    I remember as a boy, quite a few years ago now, reading an article by the great fishing writer Vic McCristal about this very subject and issuing a warning for the future. Looks like that time is here.


  2. #17

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    found a photo of their leaders

  3. #18

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    I've done some more research and found where they meet

  4. #19

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    even found their pet fish they don't want us to catch

  5. #20

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    they've even released a CD of songs [img][/img]

  6. #21

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    Bloody idiots. Bloody ridiculous . Better start locking up all the natural predators in the ocean and land (eg. bears, lions and probably any fish that eats smaller fish) to help stop the unfair and un natural consumption of life. Bloody idiots >

  7. #22

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    Used to see these clowns in the U.K. with there signs trying to hand out pamphlets.Most people ignored them lots laughed.They are a joke!

  8. #23

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    hi all,
    they may be extremists with no credability BUT they got their agenda on the front page of the herald.
    How many articles related to rec fishing have appeared on the front page?? i recon zero might be a good guess
    time to stand up for our sport/recreation call it whatever, before it is lost forever

  9. #24

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    well, its the pot calling the kettle black in my book "all this from a country that invaded and kill over 5,000 iraqi old men, women and children".
    how can you put the life of a fish in front of the life of a child?
    till they clean up there own backyard, i will lend no american my ear, and i think your a fool for posting this rubbish. you could of spend that time you did typing all that out servicing your reels~instead of spreading petas messages, remember any publicity is good publicity and ignorance is the best medicine for a spoilt brat! like those types hung up on screwing mankind, like the peoples of peta'(they are gays, leso's and the dickless! who have travelled so far to understand so little!)
    on the bright side of this its more lyrics' for german metal band "ramstein"
    i'm damo', i'm disgusted!

  10. #25

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    Is it going to be law some time in the future that all we can eat is synthesised chemical orientated foods so that no plant or animal dies. These guys are out to wipe out humankind by denial of our natural diet! To think they give these guys papers that somehow grants them widespread acclaim of their bias/intelligence.
    Any fishing is good fishing (should probably say Any fishing is...probably going to be illegal soon)

  11. #26

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    MMMM fishing for dogs and cats now there's an idea for some sport what kind of rig do you think.

    Steak or chicken as bait would be a start!

    I have tasted both in Indonesia and with enough chilli and spice they are not all bad

  12. #27

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    You may well think I'm a fool for posting this Damon but a couple of hundred people read it here and a couple of million read it in the Sydney Morning herald. Ignore this at your peril. This is the first shot in an international agenda to demonise our sport. First comes the radical ratbag views, which the media just love, then comes the more moderate green view and the ultimate target is any form of catch and release, live bait fishing and fishing competitions, all of which are already banned in germany (the birthplace of green politics).

    By all means service your reels and bury your head in the sand.

    The green movement is well funded, well organised and very zelous. They "got" the duck hunters and recreational fishing is next on the hit matter how much you care to ignore it. Politics has always relied on rec fishers appathy. We end up getting the laws we deserve. Personally, I would rather go down swinging.




  13. #28

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    The prawn on the BBQ plate(urban myth ?? ) would have been charged with cruel and inhuman treatmeant, this does not prove that creature understood it to be cruel and inhuman.

  14. #29
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    Quote Originally Posted by bungie
    this does not prove that creature understood it to be cruel and inhuman.
    They don't have to prove that, only that the creature feels pain or that guide lines for humane treatment of the creature have been breached. It is a case of "who" sets the guide lines and what those guide line are.

    The story about the prawn may have came from England, it was in 1974 I can just remember reading about it in the news papers.

    Fetal pain part has mothing to do with Rec Fishing just the first chapter.

  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member el_carpo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: The Battlelines are being drawn

    They (P*TA) may have headquarters here in the US but trust me, they DO NOT represent the American people. We hate them here as much as you hate them there. Bunch of freedom stealing dolts. They want to commune with nature? let them make friends with a great white shark. Let them get a real taste of nature instead of their imagined, ideal view. Humans are meant to be omnivourous, deal with it! >

    Apathy is defeat.

    It is a real relief to see how aware of their agenda you folks are. Render's post was awesome! That's exactly right. They don't care about anything but controlling what everyone else does and thinks. It's all a big, dumb front for their extreme left wing political party. Watch the money! Always watch the money! Where do they donate? That tells you their true purpose.

    Rant over!--and you'll please note, I refrained from responding to the Iraq stuff someone mentioned earlier (promise kept) .
    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

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