bugman wrote,
"I thought the buffer zone allowed trolling but on my last look it actually says no fishing"
An olive green (buffer) zone allows for trolling but no "line fishing".
From GBRMPA site:
"The Buffer Zone provides for the protection and conservation of areas of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in their natural state, while continuing to allow the public to appreciate and enjoy the relatively undisturbed nature of the area. Trolling for pelagic fish species (eg marlins, mackerels, trevallies) is allowed in the Buffer Zone, however most other forms of extractive activities such as bottom fishing are prohibited in this zone. The Buffer Zone makes up approximately 2.9% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park."
Any fishing is good fishing(should probably say Any fishing is...probably going to be illegal soon)
I have been looking around for a photo I kept of a bloke who got done fishing in a green zone. This thing was taken by a plane over head out the reef and you can just about count the hairs on this guys head. After talking to him about he recklons that coastal surveliance of green zones have iuncreased ten fold in the last year and he would know as a trout pro. He also reckons they will soon be using satellite technology to monitor green zones. So remeber big brother is watching. I wish I could send the photo it is so funny he looks so guilty its not funny