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1770 M & G, official list
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Thread: 1770 M & G, official list

  1. #1

    1770 M & G, official list

    Under this post, I'd like people who ARE going and who HAVE booked, to list their:-



    boat description:-

    boat call sign:-



    I'll start below.

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  2. #2

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Phill ( Lucky_Phill )

    House:- Peter;'s Cottage ( Bank st Round Hill Head )

    Boat:- 6.2 Sportfish Centre Cab ( white ) " ReBait" &
    4.1 Stessl ( white ) " Skanky Hoe "

    Boat call sign:- Rebait & Skanky

    Deckies:- Carlo, Ray and THE_DECKIE ( Paul )
    Carlo is bringing his Dive gear.

    Dates:- 12th Feb to 19th Feb

    I will have a CDMA mobile, 0428545576. these CDMA's have access there.

    Cheers Phill

    ps. save this page as a fav, for future reference. 8)
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  3. #3

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Mick

    House:- Tent/Car @ 1770 Campgrounds (Cant book till next year).

    Boat:- 4m C/C Stessel "MaJiK"

    Boat call sign:- Majik (Said -magic- of course).

    Deckies:- Will have ring-in's on a part time basis.

    Dates:- 12th Feb to 19th Feb (or there abouts).

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member SCOTTYGC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    name - scotty
    house- lazy j ( no idea where it is )
    boat - 3.8m tinnie + (bigger off shore boat maybe)
    call sign - no radio ( just wave as u pass)
    deckies - rod, darryl and andrew ( and my sponsers bunderberg rum & castlemaine brewries)
    date- 12th to 19th feb
    may have a few spare beds for rent will know closer to the date

  5. #5

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Peter ( Searaider 2)

    House:- The Endeavour ( 7 Ocean Drive Seventeen Seventy )

    Boat:- 195 Allison Angler Cudy Cab , 6 mtr white fiberglass
    Blue stripe & canopy . 150 Yammy , Black Aus Fish Stickers on each side behind Rego Stickers ( Name Searaider 2 on each side of cuddy)

    Boat call sign:- Searaider 2

    Deckies:- TBA

    Dates:- 5th Feb to 20th Feb ( 2 weeks )

    I will have a CDMA mobile, Ph No 0427861260 .

    Marine Radios :- 27 meg & VHF .( call channels TBA )

    See you there
    Searaider 2

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member roz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Roslyn McKenzie (Roz)

    House:- 13 Sunlover Avenue, Agnes Water

    Boat:- Seafarer VC 4.72 fiberglass, Orange, white & Blue, white canopy. 70hp Johnson. NSW rego GV584N.
    Also - Brooker 3.6 alum. 8hp Johnson. QLD rego NF311Q

    Boat call sign:- VC3

    Deckies: Tony, Hookem Herby (if he's lucky)

    Radio:- 27 meg

    Date:- Entire month of Feb.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member bay_firey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Widgee, Qld

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Bay_Firey - Mark

    House:- Tent - 1770 Camp Ground, Reef05 has booked a bit of space so got room for 2 more

    boat description:- 4.55 Tupperware - White - "Reel Fun'' Blue stickers on bow - Blue Ausfish Stickers

    boat call sign:- 27 meg, Reel Fun or 3576
    CDMA Mobile 0418 159 615

    deckies:- None as Yet, will have space for 1 or 2, 2 is a bit crowded

    dates:- 12th - 18/19th


  8. #8

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Dazza

    house:- Beachcomber, buggered if i know Scotty (Nofrills) booked it

    boat description:- Bartender- Haines 680. White hull blue trim. Blue canopy and Mad Hoorang- 4.1 meter Stessco unpainted, blue trim

    boat call sign:- 680 - Bartender VHF or 27 meg,
    tinney- Mad Hoorang- just wave your arms and yell

    deckies:- Nofrills, northside phill and boof (should be interesting scotty )

    dates:- whenever the meet & greet is on

    i think we may havae a couple of spare beds, scotty is the house bitch, get onto him if interested

  9. #9

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Does anyone Know if Corry is coming ??? ??? ???

    Tony ???

  10. #10

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Gibbo- (Michaelg)

    house:- I'm in with No-frills ,Dazza

    boat description:- Fisher 4.8m tiller

    boat call sign:- vhf radio Queenslander

    deckies:- none at the moment

    dates:- whenever the meet & greet is on

  11. #11

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name:- Streaker (Wayne),Touchy, Big D (peter), Razza

    house:- La Prilia or something lile that

    boat description:- 585 Streaker, 4mtr Quiney

    boat call sign:- Streaker, Big D

    deckies:- Jed and Razza's deckie

    dates:- Arrive the 12th leave the 19th
    Razza I'm unsuer of your boat details you may wish to put them in yourself. We will have to catch up soon

  12. #12

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name - Brett aka Bugman aka Crayfish catcher

    House - The Anchorage (Me, Chris, Craigie + mate)

    Boat - "The Bogey" 6.5 metre plate half cab - white. Distinguishing feature is blood great radar ( pimple ) on roof. VHF on board

    Deckies - Chris and others

    Dates - 12-19th Feb

    Looking for diving budies as well. Plus will be arranging the innuagural "1770 Ausfish Crayhunt". Prize going to the biggest. Am considering all bribes on offer for those wanting to be judges.


  13. #13

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    I'm coming, I'm Coming
    [size=0.5](Just for you Tony)[/size]

    Name: Corry

    House: Swag at 1770 Camp Ground.

    Boat Description: 5.75 Cruise Craft Explorer, white and aqua, no name on the side.

    Boat Call Sign: Corrysplace, VHF.

    Deckies: JD (CQ_Fisher) and the Polar Bear.

    Dates: Night of 14th - Arvo of 23rd.

    Will have mobile, 0438 490 234, and normally have UHF on in car, CH40.


  14. #14

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name: Herby (Hookem_Herby)

    House: 13 Sunlover Ave, Agnes Water (if I can afford the rent)

    Boat: 5.5m Coxcraft Rumrunner II (Cuddy Cabin) - "BLACK ON BLUE" (white/black)

    Boat call sign: Black on Blue

    Deckies: Maybe Roz (if she behaves)

    Dates: 12th-19th Feb

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: 1770 M & G, official list

    Name: Dan, Danny (reef05)

    House: 1770 camp grounds with Bay_Firey

    Boat: 5 mtr Fisher centre cuddy cab unpainted

    Call sign: "Reef Dingo" (VHF)
    mobile: 0407 657 602

    Dates: 12th-19 Feb

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