PR, IMAGE, MARKETING, etc DOES, I repeat DOES shape society, culture, ideas, opinions...... children and young adults (even older ones) are molded / brainwashed by what we/they are exposed to.
Advertising is a VERY powerful medium and often dictates what is considered acceptable, popular, trendy, good, bad.
I sort of get Gary's point, however more analysis would be required into these particular adverts to see if they DAMAGE or in fact BENEFIT fishing in Australia. There are many more drinkers in Australia than Fishermen, there are many more people that support, accept, encourage the Aussie way of life even if not living it themselves. These adverts may actually highlight the benefits of fishing. Fishing people like fishing for various reasons - some hardcore for fishing only, some for social (including beers/bundy). However the average non-fisher potentially doesn't see the interest in 'fishing', but may understand or appreciate the apparent lifestyle option.
must go - c ya