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XXXX  is bad for Fishers - Page 3
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Thread: XXXX  is bad for Fishers

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mick's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    I used to take Monday off school if I caught a bream...

  2. #32

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers


    there is one of the dynamite adds on Bowen Bridge Rd Southbound at Windsor.

    I am concerned about the power of the green movement and have joined the fishing party.

    What do you suggest we do next?

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  3. #33

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Go fishing
    And stop reading into these things so bad
    I agree with Jack lives here and Mick
    Where does it stop.
    Should I remove my pic at the bottom of my posts?

    Tight Lines

  4. #34

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    XXXX = Dynamite
    VB = C4/soap
    Tooheys = Gelignite/bathwater

    Watch out for the charterboat/cruiseliner ...... >

  5. #35

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    yeh i can see your point but then again take it for how it is and if you truly don't like it send a letter of complaint to castlemane xxxx and to the papers
    have alook at other adds that have been pulled for less all because one religion finds it offensive or something like that

    but trully if everyone think that all fishos are drunken slobs that rape the seas then they haven't ever seen a ABT comp or the AFC on the tv or even looked a a fishing mag

    i fish i don't drink i don't smoke i don't litter hell i hardly keep a fish for a feed i just fish for that

  6. #36

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    That’s right - they HAVE NOT read a fishing magazine or watched AFC and never will Tell me how much do you know about horse riding, or skateboarding politics?

    Only 20% of Australians fish once a year or more Less than 1 % read fishing magazines etc etc

    Maybe 5 % of Australian are unrepentant Greenies.

    That leaves 75% of voters who don’t fish and ALL they hear about fishing is:

    1. Greenies saying the oceans need protection
    2. XXXX saying fishers are likable larrikins at best

    So what conclusion do you think that 75% of voters some up with? “Well ok then I suppose I should vote for closing down marine access - you know for the environment and all”
    Everyone, regurgitates what they are taught. So does everyone on this site.

    Ausfish members are not “normal” we are maybe 1 % of the voting population. Don’t fool yourself for a minute that we are middle of the road.

    What do we do? I hate those wackywhingers and don’t want to become one. And any noisy protest is the wrong thing to do.

    I don’t for a minute think that XXX is out to get us. What I will think about is a gentle letter to their MD Ken Freer saying “excuse me mate but you are accidentally stepping on our toes” well not those words but that approach, but in marketing speak

    Does that sound OK? I would ask senior people to check the letter and agree before I sent it.

  7. #37

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    This 'angle' ain't all that different Gary.....

    Ok So how many Great Whites? 440 by there reckoning!
    How many by Recreational fishers? Id be amazed if it was more than 1 every 2 years!
    But thousands of people leave there display every day being told that Rec fishers are partly responsable for the killing of hundreds of white sharks per year.
    Not only that they are telling thousands of school children the same story. This is just one aspect of what they are doing to attack recreational fishing.
    i'd rather be pissed-off than pissed-on , and yeah , if it's XXXX on offer , i'd drink it....but not the subliminal point ,is it!! >

    What!!!!! hit the charterboat/cruiseliner

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Feb 2002

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    i agree with gary.
    the ads are humourous to us as fishermen, we see what they are about. to greeny types who do not fish & know nothing about fishing it is about drunks with fishing gear.
    a lot of these people, in my opinion, appear to be borderline simpletons in their approach to saving the planet & the greenie powers that be rely on this to get them on side, i have 2 in my family, a short diving course & instantly they were grey nurse experts & i had to put up with so much crap sprouting from these "experts". truth was if i showed them a pic of a GN & a river whaler i doubt they could tell the diff.
    it's people like this that become the problem when we have ads like the xxxx ones because they aren't smart enough to distinguish reality from a bit of fun. it's sad really..but... you cannot change their mind, they are always, right, just ask them.

  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mick's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    [quote author=Gary Fooks link=board=General;num=1107600255;start=30#35 date=02/07/05 at 16:08:07]That leaves 75% of voters who don’t fish and ALL they hear about fishing is:

    1. Greenies saying the oceans need protection
    2. XXXX saying fishers are likable larrikins at best

    So what conclusion do you think that 75% of voters some up with?

    Sorry Gary, I disagree, but only to a certain extent. My mother does't fish, and she knows how important fishing is to her father, brothers and me - her children. The old duck who lives next door to me doesn't fish, but loves hearing my fishing stories and coming over for a chilli mud crab feed. There are plenty more as well. That 75% have there own minds and the smarter, open minded ones won't let a silly billboard advertisment change there perspective of fishing. However, you are right in saying that the 75% of voting people remaining may be misled to believe differently. I just hope to God that Australians are not that stupid, and I think I am right in saying that they are not.
    Actualy Gary, the more I think about it, the more I think I don't disagree with you because you are right in a way, I just find it hard to believe that 75% of Australians would try and rid fishing because of misleading interpretations of things like the xxxx advertisment. Sorry if I have confused you, I probably could of written that better but it is 3:24am.
    Kind regards, Mick

  10. #40

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers


    You're right about some of the 75% But even if it is 65% or even 55% or even 40% - it is still a lot of potential votes. And they are not the ones that will try to get rid of fishing - but they will be persuaded by green elements to go along.

    Look - its B hard to disagree with greens. Try not putting the plastic in the recycling bin and see what neighbours or kids give you a hard time.

    And its not as if people are stupid. Its that we have too much information and cannot be experts on everything. How many people cannot teh clock on their VCR to work?

    I my field I find many examples of what people believe to be true ends up being totally wrong - yet facts will not convince them they are wrong. Did you see that TV show Myth Busters? same idea

    XXXX are reinforcing a myth and teaching the myth to a new generation.

    Again let me stress - I do not believe they are tring to "get us" on purpose - they are just using an existing myth to sell some beer.


  11. #41

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Yeah, Have to agree with Garry. Our image with many is not what it could/should be. Many try to improve it,but many others do the opposite. We don't need smart alec advertisers ubdoing what so many are trying so hard to do. Noel

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mick's Avatar
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    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Then again, the apparent holiest man to walk the planet, yes, Jesus himself was a fisherman. Maybe we should try to get that message accross to the public. Who's going to argue with that? In fact, Jesus probably sends greenies to hell! Haha! A green zone to Jesus was probably a grassy area to go fishing. hang on, he lived in Israel or something. What is there to catch there? Probably something that is crossed with a carp and a talapia. Sorry Jesus, should of come to Australia.
    PS I havent slept yet, been working all night which proabably explains my dribble.

  13. #43

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    You sure Mick ............ I thought he was a carpenter.


  14. #44

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Jesus had lots of fishing mates, and he went out fishing with them. But they were commercial fishermen and so needed to be saved.

    Jesus was a carpenter. Which explains why to this very day tradesmen suddenly dissapear, and just when you think they must be dead they turn up again.

    (I pray He has a sense of humour)


  15. #45
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Feb 2002

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    truth is it appears that it is only the xxxx drinkers that are the problem.
    the other brand are all hard working 'i've got it right now' type of blokes.

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