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XXXX  is bad for Fishers
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Thread: XXXX  is bad for Fishers

  1. #1

    XXXX  is bad for Fishers

    I am coming to realize that the XXXX adds as funny as they are, are giving fishermen in Australia a bad name. According to the adds we are mugs who pretend to go fishing just to drink beer. And when we go fishing we use dynamite.

    I know the adds are meant to be amusing. I find them funny too. But listening to kids, non fishers and foreigners they think there must be some truth behind the adds.

    What that means is that the image of fishers is poor. And so when the government / greenies call for closure of fishing areas, for the tighter restrictions on fishing, then a lot of the public (80% of the population don’t fish) say “fair enough - they are just boozy mugs anyway - Funny but not worth protecting”

    I am not exaggerating this is area (publicity / public image etc) where I have some expertise and my recent research supports my thoughts.

    So these adds have just gone up again. Where else have you seen them? These 2 were north from the G Coast just before Yatala and in the valley - facing you as you exit the Storey Bridge.

    Has anyone spotted any others in the last week?

  2. #2

    At Yatala

    any others ?

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    There is reason behind the image/s portrayed in the XXXX commercials and advertisements Gary.

    Last year I had the pleasure of personally meeting the managing director of Castlemaine Perkins who had just delivered a seminar on XXXX's marketing campaigns and tactics. The images they put across to consumers are vital and extremely important in the success of their products.


  4. #4

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Yes I understand they are vital to XXXX - their top Marketing guys are no fools

    What I am saying is that there is collateral damage - and what they are doing is helping those who want closures by potrtraying us in a poor light.


  5. #5

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Mate, just like the media nowadays , will go to any lengths for a story n dont matter who's toes they step on in the process....
    If people on the whole believe or take those adds seriousely ..Then we are in a poor state as a nation ey ???..
    Personally i have no probs with with ye ole jacky howe Singlet,Black Boxer shorts, the ole Akubra, Chinese workboots(Thongs) and a cold stub or tinny on the mit image for the Dinky Die ..
    Worlds gettin far too serious if people get offended or cast a bad immage over other cause of a few adds..
    Just my personal opinion is all..

  6. #6
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Have a Bundy instead
    Or maybe the Bear Falling out of the tree, will stop all those hairy legged Germans Gals coming out.
    Or maybe the xxxx ad, with the 4 blokes on the high and dry trawler, and making the dog chase the bone, will have the RSPCA onto them.
    Christ whats the hell are we coming to, if were going to start worrying about bloody ads.
    Plus there's a lot worse things then dynamite being dropped into our waters.

  7. #7

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Who took the photos?
    They would seem to be taken from the drivers side of the car?

    I have seen the adds and take no offense stereotyping.

    "Evil be to those who evil think."

  8. #8

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    I know that the concepts may be complicated but the fact that you refuse to think about the problem is a concern.

    Greenies are a minority - why do you think they are winning and fishers are losing? Because those in the middle don't think much of fishers.

    I don't know how I can make it simpler. There is a freight train coming and you cant see it.

    people with similar attitudes left if too long in north Qld - now its a great plac eto go to but a cheap boat. A friend had been looking for a cheap hornet and got the best deal (including shipping) in Cairns why? many up there have given up fishing.

    heavy sigh

  9. #9

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Gary i know what ya tryin ta say mate n also know on one hand ya might be right BUT ????..What does one do??. Get up in arms with the Publicity mobs,media, start wearin a suit to go out Fishing??(only tryin at add a wee bit of humour here mate )..
    Do we stop takin the odd Stubby out with us when we venture out for a Fish???..
    Mate have an hour or two at the local Clubs n Pubs of a saturday arvo n check out the Fishin cluberaffles to make life easier for the Clubs with their Fishin trips, We put a stop on them??..
    Guess by livin in a free democracy Advertisers slap up billboards that they think is appropriate, Newspapers say"Freedom of the Press" etc..
    No matter what we do those minority greens or Enviro mental(Shoulda spaced that word a tad closer me thinks lol ) Shoulda read Enviromental(Okay thats fixed ),Will still get their Arhithyia n Sovrakka in a knot over what Rec Fisho's do..
    I love my Fishin n have done so all me life but i'm buggared if i'm gunna give up a way of life for some minority group....
    Would be akin ta shuttin me trap for what i beleive in for fear of a few or peer pressure..
    "I Fish n I Vote" isnt that what the Sticker sez??..
    Otherwise, take up a collection if all Rec Fisho's will stick hands in deep pockets and have acampaign of our own ??? ???..
    Must be some ideas floatin about out there??..
    I hate minority groups with a passion who try and impose their will on others n like ya say its happening to an extent......
    Look at the outcome with smokers nowadays, treated like Leppars even under their own roofs....Someones decides that all of a sudden smokin kills, annoys the bejayzus out of most n mankinds only been smokin for the last so many thousand years or so..
    feck i wouldnt mind a wee Port Colt at present lol..
    Okay i'm startin at dribble ...

  10. #10

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    okay !!!!just thought of one , howzabout emailing Sunrise on Seven or Goodmorning Australia and complaining about them Billboards sayin they are an insult to the Austarlian Public/Fisho's n its a sick sence of humour in advertising???? ..
    Sumthin like that anyhows ???..

  11. #11

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers


    I never stick my neck out like this without a plan. This post is step number 7. And I started in October.

    In the mean time I get back to the question of the post - are there more of the same Dynamite Fishing boards out there?

    Oh - and its legal to use a camera in a car just not a mobile phone - ask the guy you was charged with using a mobile phone who was video taped by the cop. Both photos took two passes before I could safely take a photo.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Gary..those ads are just a typical aussie laugh at ourselves...I doubt anyone takes them seriously and if they do, they need an IQ test. There have been multitudes of ads over the years where we have taken the mickey out of ourselves. I do not think that any Govt. bodies or other bodies would take those seriously when making decisions. As Webby said..the guys on the for Marlin (the dog) let's take that ad...we now see fishos as people drinking beer but are too stupid to cast into the water...therefore the fish are not at any risk from fishos at all...therefore by your areas need to be closed to fishing cos we don't have our lines in the water anyway. Somehow, I think you may be looking too closely at things..step back and have a laugh.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    "Oh - and its legal to use a camera in a car just not a mobile phone - ask the guy you was charged with using a mobile phone who was video taped by the cop. Both photos took two passes before I could safely take a photo. "

    I think that using a camera whilst driving would fit under the category of driving with undue care and attention which is an offence.

  14. #14

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    Your kidding Gary
    I agree with Pinhead and Webby.
    Chill out brother and go fishing

    Tight Lines

  15. #15

    Re: XXXX is bad for Fishers

    If the camera is in a mobile phone then you get a double whammy.

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