G,day anglers,
as part of my grade 12 studies my school, as part of a leadership program, requires me to start a group in which i have to give back to the school some how, at first the idea bored me incredibly and i tuned out, of course when u tune out u dream about fishing and when i awoke i had an idea, to combine my love for fishing and this "group thing" my teachers where going on about. I proposed to them, me and some mates start a fishing and recreational group and invite younger members of the school to participate. They said it was a good idea and they are happy for me to do it. The only problem is i have only just moved to brisbane (from Gladstone QLD....good fishin') and am unsure where to go on my first fishing trip with the group. Most of the kids i will be taking will not have fished much before so i dont really wanna take them chasing marlin for the fact that the kid's would tire out before the marlin ever did. id like to take them somewhere inwhich your chances of catching a fish are good, evan if they are small. any sugesstions would be greatly appreciated. Please take into account this group will operate on a minimal budget and teachers probably wont be to impressed if i take the group up to ARNHEM LAND for period 4 so in other words cost effective and local fishing only. cheers,
P.S probly maximum distance could travel would be the sunny and gold coast. I have a 5m boat that could be used to take small groups of people out whilst the main group fish on the beach etc.