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Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?
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Thread: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

  1. #1

    Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Myself and a couple mates have been talking about a quota system for reco's rather then or combined with bag limits.
    It could work like this...
    You buy tags for the amount of fish you want to catch per year. Say you want to catch 30 snapper for the year you buy 30 disposable snapper tags for say $2 each. So now you can go and catch 30 snapper all in one or two or how many trips you want. Say you get to go twice a year, the way the bag limit system is now, it is not fair to the person who has just spent $60k on a boat $4 k on tackle and then $200- $300 for the actual offshore trip that he might get to do only two or three times a year. So why should he be told you have got your five fish now that's it. With a quota system there would obviously be a limit on how many tags you could buy for each species that you want to target. At least they would get a much closer idea on how many fish come out of the system, at the moment with bag limits they really don't have any idea on how many fish are coming out of the system. Policing it would be the same as bag limits, if there's no tag on the fish then you’re in strife. The tags are possibly a cable tie with some sort of id system on them that you put around the tail and have to cut off. Something that is not reusable. It could possibly work for all species of fish but I think offshore is where there needs to be a USER PAYS system.
    Would be interesting to hear everyone's thought on this.

    Cheers Col

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    It would never work and cost way too much to implement and police.

  3. #3

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    They need to police the current regs before it would be a workable option.
    And beside that, if someone can afford a60k boat and 4k worth of tackle for the sake of one or two trips per year, I don't feel sorry for him

    Regards, Tony

  4. #4

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Why buy the tags they should be free (how much does the comercial guys pay for their tags ),
    I dont like the idea of creating the extra fisheries positions, gov is already far and away accomplished at creating positons based on some percieved/political need.

  5. #5

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Nice in theory, lol. Policing is always a problem. As for the extra fisheries position it would be great 4 me (qualified fisheries biologist - need work in that field). It must be frustrating with the investment in boats and gear plus heaps of fuel to go out and take only 5 snapper when they are on!!.
    Are bag limits realistic, my thoughts wonder whether they are a promotion for high grading, hmmm, what to do with that 37 cm snapper in the bag limit when just caught a 70 cm monster?????.


  6. #6

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Why would you want to give the goverment more money ?????
    They wouldn't spend the money that we would pay for the tags on restocking just getting more patrol boats out there to put more fines onto us. We should hit the goverment up for maybe 2% of the 10% GST that we pay on our tackle,boats,bait and anything to do with fishing to restock and buy back commercial licences.
    We pay GST on Fuel for the car to get to the boat ramp,tackle,bait,car rego,boat rego,trailer rego,safety gear,bot fuel and oil cant imagine why you would want to give them more. [smiley=wut.gif] [smiley=wut.gif]

  7. #7

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Policing would be no different then now (there's hardly any that I see anyway)
    What's the difference for them to check numbers of fish or tagged fish ???
    How do they know how many fish people are taking ,or as Benny said, being thrown back dead for the bigger one? least they would have a better idea of what fish are being taken.
    Say you catch 10 snapper instead of 5 snapper and 5 pearlies (or whatever) what's the problem with that?
    Yeh sure this will probably never happen but who knows what's down the track these days
    Markpeta ..don't you only get fined for doing something you shouldn't?
    So ok we don't pay for the tags, have to work something out for that

    Cheers Col

  8. #8

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Hey Col, don't know exactly what your point is here ?

    A quota system you say ! Are you suggesting that us fishoes can pre-determine how many fish we are going to catch in one year, ( I'd like to see that ). ?

    You go further to suggest that people who spend the most on the boat and gear, should feel hard done by, should they reach their bag limit early. Let's take the offshore boys then !

    say 4 mates on a 6mtr boat, fish offshore Mooloolaba.

    What are they legally allowed to bring home EACH :-

    1......5 Snapper
    2......5 Pearlies
    3.......5 Spottie Mackerel
    4.......3 Spanish Mackerel
    5.......30 School Mackerel
    6........5 Spangled Emperor
    7........5 Red Emperor
    8.........5 Coral Trout
    9.........5 Cod
    10........5 Wahoo
    11........30 Trag Jew
    12........10 Dolphin Fish
    13........30 Trevally
    14..........10 Cobia
    15...........10 Yellow Tail Kingies
    16...........5 Fingermark
    17...........12 Grass Sweetlip
    100kgs of mac tuna
    50kgs of bonito
    50kgs of Yakka
    50kgs of Slimie macs, yellow tail, need i go on ?

    and there is scope to take more.

    The above is what LEGALLY can be taken and IN POSSESSION by an Individual. multiply that by 4, and jeez that is a boat full of fish.

    Why would you want a quota system, when the current bag limits and in possessions limits are fair to the rec angler. In my opinion.

    More thoughts ?

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  9. #9

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    That also opens the field for taking extra fish from spawning aggregations too.
    You could save all your tags and use them to target fish when they are easiest to catch, therby catching more fish than usual. Imagine 4 anglers with a quota of 30-40 snapper for the year, thats up to 120 snapper to a boat, very damaging at the wrong time. This would open the way for huge mis-use of the bag limit system.
    The bag limits are fair as they are and in some cases need reductions in my opinion.

    Regards, Tony

  10. #10

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    I like the bag limits as they are compared to the quota idea, say like the good old days you have 3 on the boat at tempest and the snapper are ready to spawn 90 snapper in a trip was possible, sure you can call that your quota but if the fish are breeding and schooled up its best to leave em do there thing imo. given how many people are fishing out here, SEQ, the in possession limit is fair to everyone and if you cant make the effort to get out and burn your fuel on the unproductive days then tough shit, I might be more in favour of a quota system if closed seasons and moon phases were part of our rules.

    I see a major loop hole in that a boat coming in with 30 fish each that are not tagged could say yep just a minute where tagging them now... at least once you have 5 thats it, any extras and your in trouble, the number of fish not declared as a quota catch would be huge imo.

  11. #11

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Further, is the fishoe that buys the 60K boat ONLY going to use that rig for fishing. ? me thinks not. Family days out, skiing etc will be undertaken. The cost that one spends on the hobby should NOT relate directly to the result wanted.

    If we all fished to the budget and train of thought that we wanted our fair share for effort and cost, 99% of us would have to give the game away.

    I think ya missing the point Col.

    Most are right, in that the Policing of any policy brought in by the Govt to control rec anglering, will be minimal and have little effect.

    As I have said on many ( soapboxes ), ocassions, if you, as an individual, do the right thing, it will not only give you peace of mind, but also encourage the next generation of fishoes.

    We appreciate the post, Col, and always want to hear the thoughts of fellows Ausfishers.

    The big picture here Col is " Trawlling in Moreton Bay ". Stop that rape, and the fish stocks will flourish.

    Also, let's give the recently introduced bag and in possession limits a chance to work. We are already seeing the rewards for the " ring netting stoppage" and the great Spanish Mac season so far ( rec bag 3 ).

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member dfox's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Bag limits are the go, i believe. The smart sucessful fisherman never bags out on his target species, you always keep one up your sleeve and C & R. Just in case that once in a life time fish comes along.
    Thats what i do, count the pearlies in my last fishing report, 3 fishos on board=14 pearlies.
    The greedy ones will exploit any regulations regardless...

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    bag limits,min/ max lengths and closed seasons in my opinion will do more to preserve fish stocks than a quota system. the reasons, the guys have allready listed so i won't bother repeating them again.

  14. #14

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Hey Phil,
    I put this post up for everyones thoughts as an alternative and I hear everyone. It's something we have been discussing for a while and just keen to get feedback on the idea.
    Please don't take this the wrong way I am in no way looking for a way to rape and pillage
    They still don't know what's coming out of the system the way it is.
    I think the main point made is that the fish probably could take a hammering at the wrong times.
    I also believe water quality is a big problem that seems to get overlooked as well.

    Cheers Col

    ps I'm not lobbying for this... only discussing

  15. #15

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    I'd have to agree that with a tag system you could fill your boat with spots if they were firing on a particular day and if everyone did that on that day it would take a hammering on the stocks at least on that day... with daily quota (ok so it says "in possession...) you would limit the take on that day and I think that is constructive.
    I'd be more intersted in knowing what really has effect on fish stock and what doesn't otherwise we might be discussing reworking regulation in an area that is currently working (for those that adhere to the regulations). If we want a better outcome for the environment then the key is to look at where the damage is really caused and address that, whether it is commercial, illegal or rec fishing.

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