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Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts? - Page 2
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Thread: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

  1. #16

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    One can just imagine those that might be suggesting such a tag system might say when it comes back and bites them as well as everybody else.

    Some people in this little wide world want this type of activity totally shutdown and that could just be the first way towards controlling this activity by stealth.

    Until some of the rats who really want to totally curtail fishing as an activity are under control then suggesting anything that might help their cause really doesn't warrant consideration. Things won't stop at 30 or whatever magic figure some might find "'convenient".

    Some bright spark might start with a reducing quota system on effort yeah everybody will get a transponder so they can keep an eye on you

    Cheers, Kerry.

  2. #17

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Bag limits are fine as most people here have said. Policing is the issue and imo the government can afford more inspectors anbd we should have them. Most of us are responsible fishos but the minority who give us a bad name need to be caught. Without inspectors on the ground this will never happen regardless of the system you impliment.
    Cheers, Mark.

  3. #18

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    col_s hope you kept the lid for the can of worms you opened better get it back on quick [smiley=oops.gif]

  4. #19

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    No mate....just threw the bloody lid away.

    Interesting reading the thoughts on it though specially Kerry's

    Cheers Col

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Would open the floodgates on mexicans who come up for only a short period,as it stands they are restricted to bag limits,quota system could have people legaly carting a lot of fish south.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?


    Why is it important to know what is coming out of the ocean?? We haven't got a clue what is out there in the first place.... so, if we gather a heap of info on numbers of species etc, how does that help us (as a rec fisho)?? All this would achieve is the fueling of the greenies fire, and along with that we will get more restrictions.

    Generally speaking Rec fishos are smart, they will look after their beloved pastime and obey bag limits, size limits, etc...

    If the system is working, why change??

    If we truly value our pastime we should be nailing the pros, not ourselves...

    Nath...... [smiley=end.gif]

  7. #22

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    box head

    Knowing what comes out of the ocean can provide valuable information on the status of fish stocks. For example average sizes, catch per unit effort etc.
    Col, good to see some different thoughts, as there are problems with any effort to protect a 'common resource', such as, policing, high-grading etc.
    Phill, mate like you say maybe more emphasis should go into protecting juvenile stocks and habitat that are destroyed daily by the trawl fisheries!!.
    All in all at least efforts are being made, and we are constantly moving forward, as we dont want similar occurence to the infamous North Atlantic Cod fishery .

    I think it is about time the bushy eyebrowed leader should place some of that g.s.t surplus in providing adequate enforcement and research into these things. He didnt mind taking $20k off me (HECS) to become a fisheries biologist, where are the openings JONNY > >


  8. #23

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Col, it is good to see someone trying to come up with alternatives. Not sure this is a good one though. I would imagine that if we all decided we wanted 30, 40 or 50 snapper each some greenie out there will use the aggregate number of tags sold and use the stats to reduce the number of fish an angler can catch. You would find that within a few years you would only be able to purchase a combined total of 50 tags for the year - if it could be policed. Something like show your drivers licence etc on purchase.

    Are pros still able to get undersize by-catch, if so this is probably more important to try and regulate.

    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  9. #24
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    It's not a bad idea, I just don't think its practical.

    Don't tag you fish, if you don't see a fisheries guy then you keep the tags for the next trip. If you do, quickly tag them before he gets too close.

    Who will stop fishos from reusing their tags? Unless some is at every boat ramp counting fish tags its a major rort.

    Bag limits do help. Image a bag limit of 5 fish, 8 trips
    17 fish
    4 fish
    1 fish
    4 fish
    15 fish

    Bag limits: 19 fish. Tagging: 41 fish (if you have 41 tags).

    Its too easy to cash in on the good days.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Quota System for reco's..... Your thoughts?

    Bag Limit or Quota,really the same thing arn't they.No reason why you could'nt buy two licenses and keep two bag limits or get a discount license with half the bag limit.

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