Myself and a couple mates have been talking about a quota system for reco's rather then or combined with bag limits.
It could work like this...
You buy tags for the amount of fish you want to catch per year. Say you want to catch 30 snapper for the year you buy 30 disposable snapper tags for say $2 each. So now you can go and catch 30 snapper all in one or two or how many trips you want. Say you get to go twice a year, the way the bag limit system is now, it is not fair to the person who has just spent $60k on a boat $4 k on tackle and then $200- $300 for the actual offshore trip that he might get to do only two or three times a year. So why should he be told you have got your five fish now that's it. With a quota system there would obviously be a limit on how many tags you could buy for each species that you want to target. At least they would get a much closer idea on how many fish come out of the system, at the moment with bag limits they really don't have any idea on how many fish are coming out of the system. Policing it would be the same as bag limits, if there's no tag on the fish then you’re in strife. The tags are possibly a cable tie with some sort of id system on them that you put around the tail and have to cut off. Something that is not reusable. It could possibly work for all species of fish but I think offshore is where there needs to be a USER PAYS system.
Would be interesting to hear everyone's thought on this.
Cheers Col