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Thread: Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

  1. #1

    Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

    Well guys try this out.A crock has been photographed it the bremer river near kohlo where the horse was bitten supposebly by bull shark

    Here is the link

  2. #2

    Re: Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

    looking at the photo it has to be fake sorry guys .
    firstly the head is too far out of the water second who in their right mind would get in the water for a photo of it not me lastly crocs dive to stay away from people do a croc spotting trip up north and you will see what i mean

    but good for a story but

  3. #3

    Re: Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

    well it is april 1st

  4. #4

    Re: Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

    Mate of mine has one of those fibreglass moulded Heads in his pond!!

    Regards, Tony

  5. #5

    Re: Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

    Cutest croc I've ever seen

  6. #6

    Re: Crock Spotted in bremer river ipswich

    april 1st crickey mate i hope you jumped in there and rescued the little fella he's a long way from home mate and prob needs a hug or two.
    mind you mate just between you and me a fillet or two marinated on the barbie wouldnt go astray.
    cheers ya jokers

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