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Help please very important topic
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Thread: Help please very important topic

  1. #1

    Help please very important topic

    Hi my name is Mark and I am asking all you fellow fishing people to do a huge favour for me and other people in the bribie island area. A week or so ago I posted a report on Idiots fishing off the bribie island bridge. In short there are stacks of people illegely fishing from the bridge and boats getting caught up in them daily and my son was one of them getting hit in the head with a sinker as driving my boat under the bridge and i just turned around and grabbed the line before the hooks followed.
    What I am asking you for is to email the local council as I have and expess your opion on the matter. If you could spare the time it would be excellant.
    In return if someone has other such problems concerning fishing and need some action taken post it on the web site and lets all get together and email hound all these councils and goverment to take action for a change.

    Email adress
    Atten Gary Parsons

    Once again thanks heaps
    I have attached a copy of the letter i wrote below.
    Sorry about the spelling Ausfish needs spell check or i need to go back to school.

  2. #2

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Maybe you can cut and paste some of the info to save time.

    Atten Councillor Gary Parsons
    Mr Parsons,
    I am writting to you in concerns to people fishing of the Bribie Island Bridge. On Sunday the 20 March 2005 at appox 7.30am I was traveling in my boat with my two boys up the passage(from Bongree to Bellara). As I was pass under the Bridge I became entangled in fishing lines from people above me. One of my boys in the back of the boat had a sinker which slid up his back and hit his head fairly hard and I just managed to turn around to grab the line before the gang hooks after the sinkers followed. It is imposible to see these lines either way you go but if you are heading in the other direction you atleast can see the people fishing. After the inciedent I phone the Bribie Police and was diverted to Redcliffe and they said that they would send a car by. I had anchored up not far from the people fishing to see what would happen once again a boat came through and got caught up only 10 minutes after me. The peolple fished for another 45min and then left. But did not see a police car go through after staying another 2 hours. On that day I would say that there were atleast 12-15 lines along the bridge in various spot between 6 people even over the main channel. Over that following week had rang the police atleast 4-5 times either morning or mid afternoon dont know if any was done about it. The following easter long weekend I headed out on good friday morning at about 2am there were that many people fishing off the bridge there were only 5 place where a boat could go through the whole bridge. Once again rang the police and didnt see any move that morning no response from police. I fished the following 2 morning not as bad but always someone there. There is always some fishing off the bridge about 60% of the time during the week and 80-90% of the time on the weekends Day and Night.During this week I got through to bribie Island police about midday on the 29/03/05 this is the first time to Bribie Police. Made a complant about a person who was fishing at the time and was told it was not upto them to go out there as they didn't put the no fishing signs up. They could not even drive past or charge them with anything only people who jumped from the bridge even after explaining what had happened to me the previous weekend. My son was not injured but how many people get caught up in these lines some lines are fairly heavy like 50lb breaking strain what would happen if this got caught around someone neck at speed in a boat or even hook injuries. Some question I would like answered.
    1/ Who is responable if an injury occured?liablity insurance)
    2/ Who is responsable for keeping people from fishing on the bridge?
    3/ Why are they not doing there job?
    4/ Is there a fine for offenders?
    5/ Why the police can not act even if there is a chance of serious injury?
    6/ What is going to be done about it?
    7/How soon can something be done about it?
    8/Could you get something written in the local papers about the situation?
    Hoping to hear from you soon,
    Mark Daraz

  3. #3

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Congratulations Mark for taking a step in doing something about your problem, hope you have a positive outcome

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Help please very important topic


    Good luck, try telling the cops that there is a new McDonalds open there.... They will come from everywhere...... Or alternatively, return the sinker at a high velocity from whence it came....


  5. #5

    Re: Help please very important topic

    There is an old story

    A guy rings the police and says " there are 2 people breaking into my shed can you send a car and some police around please?"

    The controller replies

    " We are very busy at the moment it will be an hour before we can possibly attend" The guy protests but eventually hangs up.

    A short time later he rings back saying " Don't bother about sending a car around for those burglars, I just shot both of them" he then hangs up.

    in seconds the street in full of police cars and armed officers, they arrest the 2 burglars but say to the guy we are going to have to take you in as you told us you had shot these 2. He replies looking round him at all the cars and cops
    "yes and you told me you had no cars or police to spare too!"

    Raising the priority gets the response required.

    If the police and council have been warned of the hazard they then accept responsibility for any injury caused after that time if they have not taken appropriate action.

    They may need to be reminded of this fact

    The best way to get action is to do what you are doing Nag nag nag and Nag

  6. #6

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Update on the above topic. Got an email today from Gary Parsons sound like he is going to help as much as possible. But the bridge is under state control clean, signage and policing. Therefore it is upto the police to respond not the council, but theres a catch it seems like fishing is restricted to protect pedestrians and cars on the bridge. As I found out when talking to the sargent at the police station after ringing them to inform them that it was upto them which I don't think they knew. But he was very helpful and at the signage meeting that he attends he is going to try to push having signs that inform people that there is to be no stopping on the pathway of the bridge that way they can fine them and tell them to more on. Also he will try to write something up in the local paper. The police and Mr Parsons know that it is a real problem now after much phone calls and emails we will see what comes of it. Also had a talk to the onwer of Gateway Bait and Tackle and hopfully he can sneek something into his fishing report in the local paper. Tried ringing Chris Adams on talk 1116 4bc a lady there said he would ring me back 6 days later nothing cant be important enough for them. Anyway keep you all posted when I hear something.


  7. #7

    Dangerous Bridge Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by markpeta
    Hi my name is Mark and I am asking all you fellow fishing people to do a huge favour for me and other people in the bribie island area. A week or so ago I posted a report on Idiots fishing off the bribie island bridge. In short there are stacks of people illegely fishing from the bridge and boats getting caught up in them daily and my son was one of them getting hit in the head with a sinker as driving my boat under the bridge and i just turned around and grabbed the line before the hooks followed.
    What I am asking you for is to email the local council as I have and expess your opion on the matter. If you could spare the time it would be excellant.
    In return if someone has other such problems concerning fishing and need some action taken post it on the web site and lets all get together and email hound all these councils and goverment to take action for a change.

    Email adress
    Atten Gary Parsons

    Once again thanks heaps
    I have attached a copy of the letter i wrote below.
    Sorry about the spelling Ausfish needs spell check or i need to go back to school.

  8. #8

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Spell checker for IE

  9. #9

    Re: Help please very important topic

    thats a good call boxhead about the cops

  10. #10

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Get a gaf hook and drive along and hook all their lines, tangle them up and drive of towards the bay ,Make sure you have a helmet on,to protect yourself from the BTB missiles
    Just joking,but nothing wont happened till someone is seriourly injured,then action will be taken.Human nature,act to fix after the horse has already bolted!!
    Cheers Peter

  11. #11

    Re: Help please very important topic

    You are on the right track......make them aware that they are liable for any injury, given you have made them aware of the problem and they have failed to act.

    In the current era of litigation gone mad, this will certainly get their attention.


  12. #12

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Big thanks to Nugget for bring this topic in his show this morning [smiley=2thumbsup.gif], as I listen to him on the weekends as I am fishing. It looks like I am finally starting to get some where as I also been contacted by the fishing party wich more info has been handed over and their going to start taking action. Big thanks to anyone who has spread this topic around and hopfully fishing will be safe in Bribie Passage.

  13. #13

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Also Big thumbs up for KC from the fishing party and Gateway Bait and Tackle. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Help please very important topic

    Ban fishing, problem solved!
    Gee it hurts when I shoot myself in the foot.

  15. #15

    Re: Help please very important topic

    In the Redcliffe Herald & Caboolture local paper, Fishing from Bribie Bridge is not allowed,a $30.00 fine will be imposed as it is dangerous to local traffic and users of the water way. It's a start,probably a 1/2 dozen lines in about 4th or 5th page.
    Cheers Peter

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