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To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the question . - Page 4
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Thread: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the question .

  1. #46

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    one way to justify C&R KC is to tag and release. Tagging programs aid research into growth rates and movements etc. Very important for some species where virtually nothing is known about these aspects other than from the tagging programs.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  2. #47
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    Boxhead , as Rob said ...this was dead before it came onboard .
    I noted in an earlier reply about that being the first marlin i killed after ages swimming it , it just didn't want to kick .
    And i did feel guilty about it as i really wanted to see it swim off ...but it happens .

    I am not criticising people who want to kill fish ...FAR FROM IT

    If you want a feed ,.....go get a feed ......nothing wrong with getting a feed . as for catch your limit .....this is different for every individual .

    If i caught my quota i can assure you there would be some going to waste unless i handed it out to all my neighbours...but i am not going to kill them just because i can ...the neighbours can get their own.
    If you are taking a limit for the soul purpose of putting food on your plate ...and you are not wasting ...then good on ya ! go get em !
    Its those who take their limit because it looks great in a photo ....or ' wait till the boys see this 'or for any other reason for a show off that i have a personal problem with .

    No one goes to the shops and buys 20 kilo of sausages to show off to their mates how big a bbq they can cook ......why ?'s a waste !
    On the other hand if you have 100 people over and have a bbq cooking , then 20kg of snags is probably about right and not wasted in the slightest ......get my drift

    KC ...very interesting and somewhat true angle

    Jeremy ....Brilliant Response !

  3. #48

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    Good call Jeremy but there are no tagging programs for the high profile C & R "events" Bass/Bream.

    But your right. If "we" are seen to be assisting the understanding and science of a particular fishery by tagging it is something we can be proud of.

    Personally....over the years...I have been a mad keen tagger. Of more recent times, I have just been a mix of fish for food and fish for fun (C & R)....I would be interested to hear back as to how many on this post who are more into C & R , actually T & R.


  4. #49
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    Great debate guys.
    I have only recently started fishing in the Bay and I am from N.Ireland 4 yrs.

    In Ireland course fish (bream, perch, pike, carp,etc are almost always catch and release. However game (trout salmon etc ) are almost always kept when legal.

    I would love to get involved with some tagging . Where do I get the tags and can they supply a training video on hazards with particular species, proper management, tagging etc?

    There is a huge demand for this sort of educational market and more and more children are science minded, so the ability to go fishing and participate on marine science is a very powerful motivator.

    Children do not want to kill (generally) but are taught to as we all have . I Do KILL as well.

    There is a major opportunity for some very popular P.R. by the fisheries people offering this stuff through clubs schools etc.

    Just my 5c worth.

    I never catch anything worth killing. besides the colours get me everytime . In Ireland everything if a shade of black

    Great site
    Many Thanks


  5. #50

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    Bil Sawynook is the tagging coordinator for Qld. It is run by SunTag through SunFish (yes, all very confusing). I know that all ANSA clubs can get tags from Bill, not sure about other clubs or outside of clubs.

    I think the game tags are sourced from NSW fisheries - crazy.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  6. #51

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    This is one hell of a great debate i have been on another site were this subject lasted two days. It is great to see so many different veiws but i am still C&R and will never change nothing better than see that fish swim away after pics or no pics, but as i said before i eat fish three times a week, no chloesterol fish is good for you, but as was said not all know how to release properly or for that matter how to handle fish properly so may i suggest that Ausfish get someone that knows how to release and handle fish the right way, i know that it has been written about in books and mags, but someone to tell us all the good the bad and the ugly of C&R just a thought
    cheers squidgie palmer

  7. #52

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    I looked into Tag and Release only a couple of months ago, too expensive to do IMO.
    Cheers, Mark.

  8. #53
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi


    Fair call on the beaky, I must have missed you comments earlier.......

    Do you think it's OK to give fish to friends, family and nieghbours etc? I mean, if a rec fisho is giving them a few fish surely this is a better scenario than them going and buying the product from a fish mongrel (I did mean monger )...... If they generate less demand, will there be a need for less supply? If so, this has got to be a good thing....

    Better to be supplied off a hook than dragged from the ocean with a net.....


  9. #54
    Ausfish Platinum Member devocean's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    I think that supplying fish to your friends is a good thing. Its the neighbourly thing to do. Having good neighbours is essential I reckon and if it cost you a couple of crabs or crays or fish than its worth it.

  10. #55
    Ausfish Platinum Member devocean's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    By the way most of the demand created for seafood and pros comes from overseas. Its the same with aquarium fiosh wild caught for marine aquariums. Nearly all ofit goes overseas or to sydney or melbourne. I think it is a common myth that people think seafood caught in qld stays here.

  11. #56

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    mark- what were the costs involved?

  12. #57

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    with a purpose ,for a feed.....within Regs/Law

    C&R(only) wallys/perfectpersons ,say you DO e-a-t fish,even IF ya don't ??? ,so U can keep "fishing? forever more"
    Oversize and underbag , is fine [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

    Just don't ANNOY ,what we "MEATOS" came to ENJOY
    p.s. Tagging can introduce disease ,just chuck it back if undersize 8)

  13. #58

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    Can't remember the exact details but something like 70 bucks to register (yearly thing). You have to buy the tagging kit setup and tags for the first year. After that they supply the tags. I'll try and track it down again if this is wrong but I felt 70 bucks a year was a bit much for this type of thing.
    Cheers, Mark.

  14. #59

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    tagging guns for estuary fish cost about $45, and the tags are supplied free.

    I am not sure of the cost for tag applicators for game fish, but the tags are also free from NSW fisheries.

    The tag guns or applicators should last a few years, if not forever, so the cost really isn't much.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  15. #60
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: To Kill or not to Kill .....That is the questi

    Nath , no dramas with that at all ! ( IMHO ....but that is MY opinion )
    I feed my neighbours and a few people i work with when their is fish to go around .
    Last time was with a good wahoo .We only took one fish but when you get 10 kg of great fillets ...may as well go fresh in someones pan then in the freezer .
    But i don't catch a bag limit just because i can and then offload because i don't want it ....if they ask me to get some , or it is known they want fish each time i go out ..fair enough !

    I just don't like the thought of fish going to waste .

    As for the pro's , yep , the local market gets hardly anything of it .
    There is no way you can make any impact on the professional trade by boycotting or minimising consumers of seafood stores ...the only people who would feel that are the small time operators and the shop owners themselves hit the trawlers unfortunately the only appropriate track is hit the pollies ....good luck !

    I reckon a good & SIMPLE way to start getting info around atleast here , is to maybe post a ' FISH FACTS ' post each week for a different species.
    Under that post people can discuss fishing techniques & rigs that minimise death rates for those that are releases ....handling practices ....eating quality ,information on toxins / poisons ie cigurettia ( for example many people know at what size a Spaniards heavy metal levels are dangerous ???...shite ...i don't ! ) ...maybe even recipes to see it put to good use !

    Any thoughts ?

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