Yeah I got a bodgy reading >Originally Posted by Scott15
but was fine after a second test
Yeah I got a bodgy reading >Originally Posted by Scott15
but was fine after a second test
After a 2.5 month period back in Australia over christmas here's my breakdown on ausfish stickers:
One group of 3-4 guys, with boat, over at Amity Pt Stradbroke - camping (you may have seen me, my partner and 1.5 yr old daughter as we were camping nearby)
Two groups at Flinders beach around schoolies week (with boats)
Tangalooma Artificial Reef - One boat on which I snorkelled around pulling their lines(I was saying hello)
Several four wheel drives around Noosa Northsore
Sorry guys - I did not say hi!!
Haven't seen any stickers but spotted an Ausfish shirt at mooloolaba ramp about 2 months ago and found myself talking to Bugman and Brooksy - hi fellas.
One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
Thomas Sowell
I'll be advertising Ausfish from Caloundra to Cape York during June-july.Hopefully it will be my good luck charm to catch my first barra.
What can I say Sam, I'm a walking advertisement.
You sure were Brett, including the website on the back of the vehicle in big letters. This is what I spotted first up, then the shirt. Hope you are enjoying those reds for dinner, might have to take my boat to NW Island next year. Do you have any stats on how much fuel you used on the trip out and back - all my trips we towed the boats behind the barge.Originally Posted by bugman
One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
Thomas Sowell
I found a couple in my mailbox today
Yep I have seen a few around the traps. Ive found most members are happy to say Gday especially once I say "Yeah Im Big Unit on Ausfish." ( that doesnt sound right maybe I should change my name.)
I used to have a set stuck on my old Evinrude Outboard... showed off everywhere heh.. ive gotta order 2 sets soon.. 1 set for my boat.. 1 for my truck
If you haven't got your set yet they are available at
Also available
i have 2 sets
1 on the Titanic and the other on Cloud 9.
have seen quite a few out and about, both in the fresh and the salt.
don't have any on the ute but do have Cloud 9 on 1 side and GaleForce Fishing team on the other.
how come you fellers only have 1 sticker my sets had 2 in it??
Cheers Cloud 9
then it realy gets ughly
We gotta get some!!! The people across the road (would you believe) from us have an ausfish sticker on their 4WD. Gotta go over and say gday one day!!!!!!!!
well done Steve...gotta love the entrepeneurial skills there...never miss an opportunity to advertiseOriginally Posted by Ausfish
Sat at the mouth of Manly Harbour today at the Seafood and Jazz Festival... La-dee-daa... Didn't see 1 boat with an Ausfish sticker leave or enter ??? Was anyone out there today? Looked beautiful!