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Thread: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

  1. #1

    VMR / Coast Guard Membership


    Can someone tell me, do all VMR / Coast Guards charge for tows. Can you join up as an associate member and avoid the charges and how much does this cost. If you join one branch does that cover you for tows from other branches. If you join a VMR are you covered for a Coast Guard tow and vice versa.

    Having said that, I think that the VMR / Coast Guard folks do an excellent job with an unreasonably low level of government support. Just want to clarify the situation before joining



  2. #2

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Can't speak for other units but Hervey Bay VMR charge $33.00 yearly associate membership, they then charge members half the normal cost of a tow. They implemented last year an extra fee, $22.00, that covers you for a free tow within certain boundaries, can't remember the exact boundaries.
    Damn cheap when you think about the cost to the VMR/ Coast gaurd unit to actually come and get you.
    Whether you get free tows or not Iwould not hesitate in joining up and giving a bit back.

  3. #3

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Just found the forms for Coast Gaurd Yeppoon, thier supporters Club is I think about $30.00 per year and provides for 1 free assistance per year with in 25 nm of Rosslyn Bay Harbour.

    As I said can't speak for other areas but thats what is offered by the 2 I have had anything to do with.

  4. #4

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    VMR recently down here had a membership drive, where they had pay for 1 year & get the second free. reciprical membership for Pt Danger, Currumbin & Southport. Tows are free.
    Gold Coast

  5. #5

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    I am an associate member at Redcliffe Coastguard and it costs $55 a year. Tows are free, but I know that Bribie charges for tows. Not really sure if they would charge me or not, but I suspect not.

  6. #6

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Wichway, I am an active member with VMR Victoria Point. We charge $50.00 to join as an associate member which gets you 1 free tow per year. This is quite cheap as we charge a max of $100.00 per hour for our larger boat to do the job. You are right about the government funding for VMR and Coastguard it is almost non existant.
    Safe Boating, Ian

  7. #7

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    This is a really messy subject... very hard to speak for other units throughout Qld when everything is so disjointed
    1/ There is no State wide agreement between VMR and Coastguard units, on a LOCAL level where the 2 different groups are based nearby they may have an informal agreement arranged between them.
    2/ VMR itself has no formal agreement State wide as no one could figure out a fair way to disperse funds fairly... some units are fairly affluent and have good support from large organisations such as VMR Southport with the SAR Club, others have very small membership and struggle to man their vessels let alone actively promote waterside assistance, therefore deemed by some other units as not pulling their weight.. then different units have large boats when a small boat could do the job, how much do they get re-imbursed if on a cost basis... sadly it is every man for himself when chasing hard earned dollars...
    3/ On a TRIAL basis, all VMR units in Morton Bay ONLY are trialling waterside assist and offering reciprical rights..... I do not know for sure if this includes Jacobs Well, and Bribie
    4/ As a Skipper if I was to get a SHORT TOW from a member from VMR Thursday Island who has hired a boat and gone out and broken down, I could POSSIBLY enter it in the log as a PR job as long as it wasnt going to cost the unit much to do it, i.e already in the area and he was going to a near berth, I would have to expolain in the activity report the reasons for not charging, this has been done before for one reason or another.
    5/ Read the fine print... It shouldnt be that fine... NORMALLY you are only entitled to ONE FREE TOW A YEAR, I would be surprised if others are offering more than 1
    6/ Our vessels are not as large as some other Rescue units... the prices are not standard when towed, the unit sets their own price per hour or part there off... Some units charge $300-00 an hour
    6/ Yes, all units charge, ONLY to recover costs, how they base their charge out rates and what they base it on is up to them.
    7/ Can they legally enforce payment... good question... I am not answering... Vollunteers.... Commercial.... but then people would have to be pretty damned misserable to argue the point.... do many not pay up..... yep, sure do, arseholes
    8/ Is waterside assistance worth it? My bloody oath, before much longer their may be NO VMR or Coastguard.... members are getting sick and tired of fundraising to pay for those that dont cough up when asked
    Hope this clarifys the situation a little, it is about the best answer you will get from anyone... Consult your local VMR Coastguard and find out what your LOCAL arrangements are.... they are the ONLY ones who will truly know what you are being offered
    Whichway and Bay_Firey, thank you for your kind comments about Rescue Groups, much appreciated

  8. #8

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    I have a bit of a vested interest as I signed on yesterday to become an active meber of Yeppoon Volunteer Coast Gaurd, QF11.
    I have my initial building and vessel induction on Saturday afternoon

  9. #9

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Good on you Mark, it is always good to hear when someone signs on to put a bit back or just maybe even to learn a little extra, some units are really struggling for members.

    One day, when a few more of us blokes start communicating and working together, both our heirarchys may be influenced into sorting out their differences and looking after the boating public.
    Beuracracy between both groups is the ONLY real reason their is not a Queensland wide waterside assist membership honoured by both groups, RACQ offered to administer it for free if it were put in place State wide but the top honcho's couldnt get their heads around getting rid of their ego's, and sorting out some minor sticking points.... hence the boating public suffers....

    At unit level, you will meet some great people, have some fantastic times, and occassionaly get to see the relieved look of little kids, their Mothers and even their Fathers... thats what really makes it all worth while, when you know that you really have made a difference, all be it a very fleeting one....
    My best wishes to you and the other members of QF11
    Enjoy, and safe boating

  10. #10

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Im a member of the redcliffe coast guard, and in the past i had a faulty 2stroke that decided it would blow stators every 50hours or so, once at deep tempest! So i required there assistance on several times.Although they tow you home for free, i believe its only right that in these circumstances you make a donation on top of your yearly membership...foxy

  11. #11

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    On ya foxy, it would be interesting to know for sure what the other units throughout Qld offer, both VMR and Coastguard, first step in standardisation

  12. #12

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Well worth every cent of it too
    The owner of the boat that capsized last week just got his bill from VMR bribie and it comes to $330 for 3 and 3/4 hours to tow it in upside down, now I dont know how much it cost them for that time but helped us out.
    I think $50-$70 is a small price to pay for a free tow if needed and we must also remember that these guys and gals arent getting paid for this.(not saying an upside down tow either)
    LLoyd if I wasnt selling my boat Id become a member, but Ill be down soon to give a small donation.

    Tight Lines

  13. #13

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Great Topic Guys,

    I have sitting at home my forms to become an Coast guard active volunteer.
    I am wanting to join to give something back and also to learn a bit more than what I do now. I am really undecided wether I should go ahead and join the coast guard or the VMR. Do both of these fairly much serve the same purpose for us boaties?
    You opions would be greatly appreciated..........

    I noticed on the week end a boat on the broadwater " SEATOW " From what I can see these guys offer a tow service that will shortly cover most areas. Thought this may be of interest as some of the comments have been about getting a tow.

    Cheers Kiktz

  14. #14

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Quote Originally Posted by bay_firey
    ....I think about $30.00 per year and provides for 1 free assistance per year with in 25 nm of Rosslyn Bay Harbour.....
    ??? So what happens if your past 25 nm

    I'd be interested to know if and when you find out.

    Cheers, Kerry.

  15. #15

    Re: VMR / Coast Guard Membership

    Thanks for all the responses.

    I'll make a few phone calls and join this weekend.

    I had an incident with my trailer at the ramp at Scaborough a little while ago, and the local Coast Guard next the the ramp could not have been more helpful even running me around Redcliffe in their private vehicles a number of times chasing up parts.

    Without knowing the ins and outs, surely it would make sense for the Coast Guard and VMR to bury the hatchet and combine. This should lead to a more efficient and effective service.

    Secondly, I don't know whether the members would agree, but it would seem to an outsider that these organisations could benefit from being run along the lines of the SES or Bush Fire Brigades where there is a strong volunteer base with Government funding and administration.

    Finally, if private operators are going to get into the business of providing tows, then surely this is going to dilute the funds available to the volunteer organisations. This would not seem to benefit those who may need these services ie us.

    Just my thoughts - I urge all boatees to support their local VMR / Coast Guard.



    PS A couple of years ago, I saw the Jacobs Well crew crossing the Pin Bar on a fairly average day. Looked pretty challenging!

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