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Thread: Dolphin slaughter

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Seen that video before on foxtel, and it made me as sick today watching it as it did the last time I watched it. Regardless of any argument for or against, or their pathetic reasoning for doing it (food, science whatever) - the methods they employ are barbaric, inhumane and disgusting - nothing more than neanderthal rock apes who exhibit a severely limited or completely non-existent concern for life. Videos like that only prove that the barbaric nature blooded in that race of people is as alive and well today as it was when they showed to the world their hospitality for prisoners of war in WWII. They f***in digust me.

  2. #32

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    The revenge of animals. Listen to this song. I believe it was written by a vegetarian feminist who lived in a tree house communing with nature.

    I wonder if the animals like cows, dolphins and whales will ever rise up and take revenge.


  3. #33

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    i love dolphins......but i couldnt eat a whole one ???
    no seriously guys that is disgusting i have no problems with eating em but there is a point where you have to be humane in the way you slaughter an animal and what i just saw was definately not it. >

  4. #34

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Plenty of people of all races have shown their ability to behave cruelly both to animals and to people. Don't blame the race but educate people to value life.

  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Dolphins sure have intelligence, and it sounds and looks terrible. But in the eyes of the people of India, we eat the cow though, a most scacred animal in their sence!

    I can't imagine killing a dolphin or whale to just eat it. That's a paradox for me, and a reminder that we have to respect another peoples culture, just the way we ought too.

    what's more is nature is neither cruel nor kind! But if you're human, kill humanely - grinners anyone?

  6. #36

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    We can play the sacred animal debate or we can go on and on about other cultures and how they killed animals then and how they do it now..

    Ive seen the indians and there sacred cows on discovery channel.. they do slaughter them too.. but there method is even quicker then the japanese way of dispatching... they take a really big fricken sword and lop its head off in 1 movement.. there isnt any messing around... ive also seen documentrys on dolphins and a few necropsys being performed on washed up dead dolphins that have been washed up on the beach and people wanna know the cause of death on tele.. they have about 5" of blubber in the neck area where they are having there throats slashed.... thats a bit like going upto a human, making a paper cut across the same line a few times and then pulling the flesh apart so it makes that tearing sound (skin makes the sound of tearing fabric when its being sliced open) so imagine having 5" of blubber.. with some very thick very sensitive skin and having that torn open so they can cut your throat out

    I have no problems with people eating dolphin or whale.. but the method of dispatch must be solved.. its alot like the shark finning industry.. they have no feelings for the animals they are killing for food to keep them alive.. they drag live sharks up a ramp, slice off the fins then push its live finless body back into the water.. we know you can eat shark meat.. its called Flake.. and the Victorians live by it so there is more they can do with the bodys then drop limp carcasses in the water.. they surely wouldnt take such huge monsterous boats all the way offshore just for a few hundred kilos of shark fin.. im sure they can carry alot more!


  7. #37
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Quote Originally Posted by Maria
    Seen that video before on foxtel, and it made me as sick today watching it as it did the last time I watched it. Regardless of any argument for or against, or their pathetic reasoning for doing it (food, science whatever) - the methods they employ are barbaric, inhumane and disgusting - nothing more than neanderthal rock apes who exhibit a severely limited or completely non-existent concern for life. Videos like that only prove that the barbaric nature blooded in that race of people is as alive and well today as it was when they showed to the world their hospitality for prisoners of war in WWII. They f***in digust me.
    What they did in WWII has nothing to do with this or the race of people..they did not sign the Geneva Convention so they could do what they please..I always thought it ridiculous to have rules to a war.

    The dolphin killing in this way is not right in our country...nor is the slaughter of Rhinos for the horns..just cut the horn off at the base and let the rhino bleed to death...or the amputation of feet from gorillas and just leave them to die...humans the world over are not very thoughtful of other species...we can go on for hours about the pathetic ways animals are killed by humans..including things done here in a not so humane way but alas I doubt anything is going to change it...just part of the human psyche I think...the master species perhaps in some peoples way of thinking.

  8. #38

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    yeah Maria, please dont condone the japanese as a race, just because they dont conform to our ideals - dont dwell in the past by bringing up WW2 etc.......u should look toward the future with a positive outlook. My future wife is Japanese, she has never eaten dolphin, slapped me for trying whale and most certainly has never had a P.O.W. (except for me). She is typical of a japanese in the 21st century - maybe her grandparents generation, maybe her parents generation slaughtered dolphins and whales in this way, but i think that I can safely assume that this method of killing, as well as the consumption of these species is as rare as it is a dying practice. It wont last - Japan has just about but lost all of its dignity and culture by bowing to international pressure.
    You have no grounds for judging any of their reasoning - you can point at an individual or a few of them, but dont generalise or take a stereotypical view of a nation or culture, because that would make you predjudice or even racist - your comments that "barbaric natured" "WWII" and "They F****ing disgust me" is pretty rough if you ask me.......... I reckon if you accused the Aboriginals and called them anything like that you'd cop a bit of flack - is a gaff hook straight into the throat of a turtle any softer?? I would be more worried about that, seeing as it happens in your own front yard...... and its legal, not for you, but maybe other fellow Australians. Is it because your Australian, or umm russian or yugoslavic that you totally disagree with these practices???? Lets not start bringing up ww2 war atrocitries shall we, because it has bugger all weight in the arguement, u might stir a few oldies like my grandpa and nanna, but it aint gonnna help any dolphin, whale or fish.
    I dont like it, actually I hate the killing of dolphins and it makes me upset also, but take everything you see, read or hear with a grain of salt. Dont let the media tunnel you into being narrow-minded, and if you have never lived with, studied or vistied a country, then dont make assumptions about the people.
    Please dont take this as a personal attack, I love your reports, pictures and photos, I'm totally jealous of your fishing skills and your life in general, hahhahah.

    I hate Kiwis, Poms and Sth Africans, but thats another story - GO WALLABIES !!!!!!!

  9. #39
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Quote Originally Posted by Derek - Camp Oven Cook
    Here is a link for those interested.

    I do wonder though if this is any different to a mullet netter dragging a few thousand mullet onto a beach and allowing them to suffocate. Do our professional fishermen humanely kill their fish ? ? ? ? ? ? Or for that matter, how many rec fishers do.

    After all, dolphin and whale have been a staple diet of these people for years.


    I totally agree with Derek. How many of you humanely put your fish to sleep whe u catch them, and how many of you let them suffocate? Good topic for a poll I think!

  10. #40
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    WOW!!! I have now read the whole thread. Not a pleasant way to spend a wet Sunday morning. The video sickened and disgusted me, but I am sure that there are people the world over, including in our own country, who kill animals in a barbaric manner, for a variety of reasons.
    The real issue here is that we see dolphin swimming in our bow wave and liken it to lassie or garfield or skippy or our pet mutt or pussycat- whatever, and react accordingly.
    Personally, if I had to witness the death of ANY mammal in order to be able to eat it, I would become vegetarian straight away (I wouldnt necessarily enjoy this lifestyle though!) I could not kill a mammal and probably am a hypocrite like most of society. I eat meat and as long as I dont have to think about it having to die to be on my plate, I am fine.
    We need to respect the differences between ours and other cultures, and not judge people just because they live differently to us. None of you can unequivocally state that the meat we buy at Woolies has been treated with respect and dignity from the paddock to our plate. You cannot assure anyone that these critters have not felt pain or terror.
    So what is the difference?? You dont have to watch your dinner being murdered, it isnt in your face like the video Derek presented to us. Cows arent cute and fun to watch, so you are not emotionally attached to them. You dont have to watch a video like this, so murder of meat for food and belts and shoes is therefore ok.
    If you eat meat and disagree with the murder of dolphin on principle, no matter how brutal or humanely it is done, you are either a hypocrite or dont respect other cultures.
    I am not writing this to upset or fuel an argument, I just dont see that hunting for fun and leaving a kangaroo to die in a paddock for no good reason makes us any better than those people who were murdering those dolphin. Years ago I witnessed the murder of several Kangaroos. They were shot from a car pulled up by the side of the road and left to die. I was physically sick and what was worse, was that the people doing it though I was funny! They were everyday Australians!!! They couldnt see that what they were doing was wrong. They were culling "vermin" so that their stock didnt have to compete to eat the grass. How is that so different to the Japenese culling dolphin so that their fish get to survive??
    We need to take a look in our own backyard, before we go condemning others.

  11. #41

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Don't forget that control of media and information is the reason that both Japan and Germany were able to en masse lead their people astray. The people as such were no different to us just differently informed.
    Information controls public opinion.

  12. #42

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Cultures vary in their response to the way they treat animals as a food source or otherwise. I don't think we should worry too much about what the Japs are doing in their own country while we still allow Dugong to be hunted in the wild and Turtles kept alive as they are slowly butchered. I agree that footage of Roo shoots or Brumby culling would create the same sort of negative response in other areas of the world.


  13. #43
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    I think the entire world should take a tour of thier own country's practices themselves and look at the ways things are done and why they are done. Then take a tour of the rest of the world and compare other country's ways and means of processing thier diets. Maybe the entire world would then know the consequences of eating any animal product anywhere in the world.

    Meat is meat the world over, it sustains us one and all. What animal it comes from is irrelevant in the end, it is merely a meal on the plate in a day or so for someone.

    It doesn't have to be for a meal that things are killed either.......the reality is at times things need to be killed off to save the more valuable or the larger portion of a stock. Take for instance the drought in south east qld over the past three yrs...

    September 2003 was the hardest period in the Stanthorpe area in memory at that stage (it is now worse) and in order to save the breeding ewes the property owner and myself were walking the breeding fields culling new born lambs as they were being born. If we did not do this the entire stock of ewes would have had the life drained out of them by the ravenous lambs trying to take thier first feed. At the end of the 6 day breeding period we culled 3700 lambs by knocking them on the head. God damned awful thing to do but the options were to lose the 3700 lambs and the 3700 ewes. Reality saw that there were nearly 500 ewes that could not survive the birthing in those 6 days.

    Get a grip on reality people.............The worst things you can imagine happening might just be for a good reason and you are just blinded by your feeling for something adorable.


    P.S. How many of the people here club thier mackeral when they land them?
    How many people here have killed vermin because they dont like them?
    How many people have turned a blind eye to awful realities that happen and chose to ignore them??

    Waken up and accept others cultures and customs. Meat is meat after all.

  14. #44
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Dolphin slaughter

    Zeeke I challenge you to go tell them what to do about dispatch, and I'd like to see the response!!

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