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Thread: Lucky Friday.....

  1. #1

    Lucky Friday.....

    [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif]

    “BUGGA “

    Threes goes the color sounder… “the one who must be obeyed” organized a flexi day off today, the same day as me L.D.O..

    WHY........... ???

    Then she said .. u know what day it is...
    Yes I said “Friday” the start of the finance year.....


    Ist July u know…

    Had me beat..

    HOLLY SHIT..!!!!!!!!!! [smiley=oops.gif]

    Like getting hit with a sledge hammer… our anniversary of 33 years… [smiley=hammer.gif]

    U forgot she said …
    No I said
    Just waiting for ya to get up out of bed…..????

    So I said I never bought ya anything because you have every thing that opens and shuts..
    Well ..That went down like a lead balloon….

    [smiley=idea.gif]How what…. I think

    Arrrr >>>> MONEY >>>>.. She always loves money..

    So I slipped out to the shed when she sat down to do a p#$..
    And came back in with my “color sounder” money…$1500..

    She was happy and I got breakfast ..... [smiley=love.gif]

    I’m a very lucky man…. I think …. To have put off buying the sounder on Wednesday….

    Bloody lucky….

    So the next couple of trips out will be without the color sounder …but things are sweet in the SNAPPA house……

    Bloody lucky…

    "whats the time"

  2. #2

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    hmmmm lucky you always have that pocket full of spare cash buddy or you would be sleeping in the shed

  3. #3

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    I know that feeling

    The one reason I remember our anniversary is Mrs Doug always forgets it. SO I have the present ready and she has the "OH I forgot again line, I'm so sorry,......."

    It works well for me in the long run

  4. #4

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    I haven't forgot for over 20 years until the last - she kissed me on the cheek at breakfast & I grumbled "whats that for". Happy Anniversary darling. I felt particularly bad.

    But it didn't cost me $1500. Ouch that musta hurt.

  5. #5

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    gezz snappa
    a easy date to remeber too

  6. #6

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    Have our 25th anniv in September..taking her out to dinner for Raffles Hotel in Singapore.

  7. #7

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    jesus snapper i would have put up with the shit rather than hand over the cash, i've been with my missus for about 10yrs(not100% sure on that will have to ask her she knows all the dates i don't even remem her b/day) what you should have done is got the sounder and said now i can take you to those spots where we can be alone all day just you and i sweet heart,

  8. #8

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    To all thieving a##holes reading this thread,
    Snappa doesn't really keep 1500 big ones in his shed.

  9. #9

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

  10. #10

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    did you get a color sounder for your pressy

  11. #11

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    I'm not sure who I admire the most here:

    Snappa - who can successfully hide $1,500 from the misses in the back shed.

    Or Greg - who is taking his wife to Raffles in Singapore.

    I think that Imperial charm may just sway the decision.

  12. #12

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    I hate em both - it's mongrels like that that make it difficult for the rest of us mere mortals

    Kidding - well done guys. I narrowly escaped a major lapse recently with a nice saphire ring, a blokes gotta do what a blokes gotta do

  13. #13

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    i bought her a ring once but the deal was she had to get me UHF readio for the ute.

  14. #14

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    Wow.....$1500 after 33 years. I've been married 10 and was kinda hoping it got cheaper as you went down the track. Else you must have some skeletons in that shed along with the cash

  15. #15

    Re: Lucky Friday.....

    You are slipping Pete.
    You gave her the whole 1500 Jonhies???
    You could have got away with giving her 500 to go on a shopping trip all for herself.
    Back to training for you mate.

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