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Thread: Shark Cartilage

  1. #1

    Shark Cartilage

    Sharks are the top preditors in the ocean. They have been used in making alternative medicine for arthritis, psoriasis and cancer. Have you used shark cartilage as a medication?
    Has it been effective in treating what ailes you?

  2. #2

    Re: Shark Cartilage

    I fillet my sharks and give the skin and cartlidge to my dogs and cat.
    1 dog about 14 years old
    2nd dog about 6 years old
    cat about 10,
    the old dog is a bit stiff in the hips, younger dog is like a bulldozer and the cat is just lazy.
    Now I eat the flesh and have buggered knees, arthritic fingers and plain worn out so maybe I need to give the animals the flesh and eat the skin and cartlidge

  3. #3

    Re: Shark Cartilage

    HI Saphire
    Forget the shark cartiledge, it contributes to overfishing the shark populations worldwide!!.
    Get hold of some Glucoseamine Tablets They are the bomb for arthritus, joint pain . The cream is not bad either.

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