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Thread: Mythbusters JAWS

  1. #1

    Mythbusters JAWS

    tonight 7.30pm on PRIME not SBS
    the mythbusters are going to check out if a shark has as much strength and stamina as the mechanical one in the jaws movie. I think they are going to see if a scuba tank will blow up if shot at just like in the movie jaws. ??? anyway It will be good entertainment to see what they get up too.
    not sure if this programe is advertised up north ???

  2. #2

    Re: Mythbusters JAWS

    Looks interesting. Will be entertaining if nothing else

  3. #3

    Re: Mythbusters JAWS

    They rule
    Good entertainment for kids and adults
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  4. #4

    Re: Mythbusters JAWS

    It would be a lucky shot to crack a scuba tank. He is using a 30;06 round that will go through a average car engine block flat on but the curve of the tank would be the problem.

    Even shooting out the tyres on a moving car is very difficult.

    Especially with a low velocity pistol round.

    Favorite movie scene "Volcano" where they have to overturn a bus to stop the lava flow. Half the cops run round to one side of the bus to push it over at the same time the rest go to the other side and shoot at the tyres.

    In real life not a good idea for the guys on the pushing side. "AAGH!! My ankle has been shot"

  5. #5

    Re: Mythbusters JAWS

    no go with the tank the shark cage was a bit stuffed but.

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