That is one ugly fish.
I can say I've never ever seen one before. But if they are anything like those mongrel Wirrah (rock cod thingy around the rocks and walls Nth coast NSW) then I hope I don't find one too soon.
Cheers, Roo.
That is one ugly fish.
I can say I've never ever seen one before. But if they are anything like those mongrel Wirrah (rock cod thingy around the rocks and walls Nth coast NSW) then I hope I don't find one too soon.
Cheers, Roo.
they arn't really that bad, the look like a flat head, but have bigger teeth and rounder head. Very soft flesh, like a pike but softer.
plenty of grinners around this week north end of big woody ,, but in amongst them we got what looked like the same fish but was a pinky orange color, with blue bands across the snout .......any ideas on that one arch......
had one off mooloolaba recently grab hold of the stern rail as it was being levered against it to unhook, it wouldnt let got for quiet some time, it was around 1m long, thick as an arm..
head over to inside Morton, plague proportion. The other thing is that they STINK !!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG TIME
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
I have to say that's a beaut looking grinner
maybe we should have a " grinner fish-of-the-week" in the saltwater picks
I reckon the best look a grinner can have is when his bottom jaw is ripped off
I'm sure it could still savage a soft plastic
to me they really look like gremlins - and you guys are feeding them after midnight and putting them back in the water
To the soft plastic snapper brigade can't get a bigger pest !!
i Know of people eating them .....they can have em !