As quite a few members #are using digital SLR cameras this is some information I have found to be useful.

Sensor cleaning is a dark art it is rumored to be on a par with time bomb disposal and shark wrestling. It is not recommended by anyone but! I was shown how a technician cleaned sensors and I now use a similar method and So far so good!

First up I use a blower brush gently into the upturned camera so any dust will fall out.

These are sites on the other methods to do it.

I use the first one, the Brush method, for most light dust.

This is the last option to clean the sensor, if you get gunk stuck on the sensor.

I use a small kitchen spatula bought from the King of Knives shop. Wrapped in Toilet paper UNUSED!! the expensive silk finish lint free stuff. Just dip into PURE alcohol this is hard to get and needs to be PURE no oil or anything that leaves a film on the sensor.

None of this is recommended by me or anyone but if you want to risk it or you have to clean a sensor on a trip then it may help to have the best information.

If anyone else has any other methods or information please let me know.

Cheers doug