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Fishing North Straddie
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Thread: Fishing North Straddie

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member thedeckie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Fishing North Straddie

    Ladies & Gents (& others),
    Heading to North Straddie this weekend,intend to fish Main Beach,haven't really done a lot of beach fishing,especially straddie,any tips.....rigs,baits would be a great help.

    The deckie (Paul)

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Fishing North Straddie

    Weather generally determines where you fish at straddy. Assuming the weather Gods behave for you, the best bet is to drive the beaches and look for the gutters at low tide then come back and fish them on the high. There's alot of washouts where gutters come into the beach in surprisingly shallow water which still produce good fish, so don't be too quick to discount these. Pipies are usually always in good supply and are the easiest bait to use over there. Sandworms can be caught along most of main beach too, if you know where to look. Sinker obviously depends on current and how far out you want/need to get your bait, but generally a trace of 40-70cm with a black swivel is the go. Hooks - really depends what you're after and what bait you're using. Long shanks will nail the whiting and dart. If you're getting hit hard and not hooking up, try suicide patterns - bream are usually to blame.

    Hope it all helps.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member thedeckie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Fishing North Straddie

    Thanks Maria,every little bit helps.

    Paul (The deckie)

  4. #4

    Re: Fishing North Straddie


    PM me your phone number - I've been trying to get in contact with you.


  5. #5

    Re: Fishing North Straddie

    Hi TheDeckie

    Looks like a you will still have a fair bit of south easter to contend with this weekend, and a good sea on a sizeable swell so first off be careful.

    If it was me I would have a look at main to see if it is fishable and collect some pippis while I was there, but most likely head back to the easier waters of Flinders to fish.

    6kg line or less, no1 hook with pippi, good length trace and running sinker that will load your rod best for distance.

    Early morning will be your best option. Find a reasonable looking gutter whose bank you can just make with your best cast, if dart are about they will latch on. If no takes wide after several minutes reel in slowly till about half way then stop to see if any bream are about. Still no joy reel in slow to see if bream may be in closer, or whiting are about. Do this a few times, if no bites move along the beach to the next likely looking spot.

    If the dart come on just keep pinging wide, if the bream are there half cast to them, if whiting are about size your hook down to a number 4 and smaller sinker and short cast to them.

    If bait isn't working tie on a metal and cast around for tailor.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member thedeckie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Fishing North Straddie

    Thanks Straddie,will hear from you Brett in due course,look forward to putting up a positive post on my return,at least if there's no fish we are in walking distance of the pub!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Gents


  7. #7

    Re: Fishing North Straddie

    if you want to have some fun,take cut baits(horse mac,ect)and head down to the pin low,or top of the tide peg out and hold on.(night time that is),BIG TAILOR WILL BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY, but please only take a couple they dont taste very good

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