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Thread: hurricane katrina

  1. #31

    Re: hurricane katrina

    Here's one! Dug, remember you mentioned how fast our "civilized" society broke down? Have a look at this video clip. "Clean-up in Isle three!"

    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

  2. #32

    Re: hurricane katrina

    By the way things are going it looks to be a heavy death toll - my estimated would a couple to several thousand

    Army engineers estimated Friday that it will take 36 to 80 days to drain New Orleans

  3. #33

    Re: hurricane katrina

    All I can say is, Amen to you both, El Carpo and Kingtin.

    What class do you get lumped in El carpo "Human" sub species "human who cares"

    I think it was Dickens who said "these were the best of times, these were the worst of times"

    Thanks to Ausfish moderators too for letting us run with this one, a lot of us needed to get stuff off our chests.

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