
Having been involved in this chatboard since it just about started and been a Moderator for near 4 years I have decided to continue because I dont want to see those years of effort wasted and see this great site that is constantly being improved and developed destroyed.

This is all provided by Steve free of charge. All that is asked for in return is that people follow the rules put in place and post in the correct areas. If you dont then you can expect to be moderated.

I have tonight banned two members and will continue to ban members who do not follow the plain but simple rules and listen to advice. Unfortuneately four other members have also been banned this week for similar things.

Might I suggest that you all take another look at, and read the rules one more time before you raise another post or thread. They are at - http://www.ausfish.com.au/cgi-ausfis...num=1075278500

This is a family oriented site. Lets please lets keep it that way.

