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NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)
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Thread: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    I was driving to work today and was going to fill up and remembered that its is the 22nd sept (national do not buy fuel today)so i will wait until tomorrow.Bad luck oil companies you wont be getting my money today .Did any else remember I was going to post yesterday but couldnt log in to remind you guys

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Townsville Qld

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    The local garage in my area dropped its fuel price 10c this morning to 117.9. I'm buying!

  3. #3

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    yeah it's a joke fuel as cheap as 116.5 watch it hit $1.25 by Saturday morning

  4. #4

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    well i didn't need to fuel up so i didn't but looks like we should all threaten to do this more offten
    next one say just before the long weekend hey

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    $142.9 i pay and it was full of water.i went fishing today and coming back in the port motor stop full of water. i had fun crossing the bar with one motor and them have to back the boat in which is hard with 2 motors.i hope the owner of the fuel depot is there i have a few words for him.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    Black rat
    Fuel at $1.25 still cheaper than $1.30 What are you complaining about

    Fishman 7

    Where do you live $1.42 lt and they even threw in some free water.
    looks like you got a bargain.Id be havin words to.Im glad to hear that you made it back safely.Ibet your heart was in your mouth when one of your outboards shut down

    Sounds like a good plan that

  7. #7

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    I don't care much about fuel prices, seeing as i'm not old enough to drive yet

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Sep 2005

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    hi mikos
    i live in batemans bay i told him what happen and he said he tested for water the other day.what a load of sh,t away hes out $20000 a year wont be getting my fuel there anymore.what really ps me off is i have to throw whats left about 300lts.i am not going to take the chance with the fuel left because i have poeple on board and crossing bars.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2003

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    Quote Originally Posted by MIKOS
    (national do not buy fuel today)so i will wait until tomorrow.Bad luck oil companies you wont be getting my money today
    Mikos, I don't understand how putting off buying fuel today and buying it tomorrow (ie extra to make up for today) will hurt the fuel companies. They will still sell the same amount of fuel over the two days.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    Hi Morlers
    I got the smae email and I passed it on. The way I understand it is, that the fuel companies have to move X amount of fuel each day, The interruption to their fuel supplies would definitely be felt if enough people were to participate, they wouldn’t be able to deliver what they had, this would hopefully cause a storage problem and then a back up of fuel.
    It would create a financial cost to the oil companies with the interruption to furl flow. but I also think it was about getting a message across that there is unity in the general public when we all know we are being screwed.
    Another plan I heard a while ago was that one oil company was chosen, ie: BP or shell and they would be put on a no buy list. this would mean that we all still purchased fuel but left one major company out. this would cause them to drop their prices and then the roll on effect would then kick in to the others.
    What ever we as the public try to do, it would be good for everyone to pass it to as many people as possible so we can get a clearer message across.

  11. #11

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    Want to stand up n be counted on how you feel about fuel prices!!??..Personally me thinks the only real way to do so is to
    (A) Pick a fuel Company or outlet eg "BP" or whoever to start off with.
    (B)Block em, in other words dont buy fuel from that mob fer say three months , Okay maybe two months , cant go gettin too rash .
    (B) After two months pick another outlet/brand and block them and can head back to the othery if still open fer trade..
    Tell ya what??, betcha there'll be some screamin n squeelin done back n forth between outlets and providers with chances of the message gettin through..
    Dont feel the pain on yer own, share the fecker with the ones that dish it out >..
    Trouble is apathy n laziness rules most times ey..

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member zulu's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    Initially I thought this was a good idea, my concern is we are only hurting the poor old garage man, not the mega rich oil companys
    Ps Didnt need fuel so didnt buy fuel on Thursday.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    You're right Zulu. The Mums and Dads Service Stations are hurting enough now with miniscule margins without any more pain being inflicted on them. The oil company owned sites wont flinch a bit with their larger margins.


  14. #14

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    if you was to black list one then i would surgest caltex as clatex would have to be one of the biggest and also own woolworth fule

    i like what some of the trucks did last night and into today at mackville and that was the block the pacific highway
    i find it hard to sollow that we pay GST+Fedral Excise+State Excise on our fule that = being taxed three times on one product
    just hope someone stands up and listens to what us australian are saying

    p.s. for it hurting the small garage owner well think about the hundred other small bisinesses that are getting close to belly up because they are haveing trouble running vechiles
    i know i for one am thankful that i sold my courier buisness when i did as i dout i could of kept it running nowdays with the coustomers not willing to pay anymore than they do

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: NO FUEL THURSDAY(Today 22nd Sept)

    Hi guys
    Driving home from work on Wednesday afternoon the price of fuel was 1.17.9c per lt.
    Driving to work on Thursday morning the price was 1.27.9c per lt.
    Then driving home from work on the same afternoon the price had gone back to 1.17.9c per lt???????????.
    Personally if it wasnt no fuel Thursday and i filled up that morning and paid 1.27.9c and saw that the price at the same servo had dropped back to the original price would have p!$$ed me right off >.How does this work??All from the same servo .How does the price of the fuel in there tanks in which they had already puchased increase in price???Dont the service station operators fell pretty bloody stupid or what.
    Any thoughts??

    This was Caltex


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