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Thread: interesting behaviour

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    interesting behaviour

    Got back yesterday from camping at Cotton Tree,Maroochydore with my 2 daughters and son.The first day there we went down the lower reaches on the maroochy river for a light fish.
    Pretty new country to me and low tide -channel to the north, fairly narrow and a few bank fisherman and families in the area. We were making our way slowly back noticed a chap with his mates on a small jetty waving his arms at us- to go away. I ensured I was as far over as I could be.As we progressed this gent continued- he then reached down to pick up an empty stubby and shaped up to throw it at us.I was amazed at this action not only its basic form but also the consequences if it the boat shattering with three children aboard. While these thoughts were going thr the mind we had moved too far over on the southern side of the channel and we were now sand blasting the prop and skek.
    This was to their amusement on the jetty but the laughs stopped as we motored over and I pointed out to the fool who was going to throw the stubby that as he could see I could go no further over and what was his expectations. He was sheepish but apparently as we turned and proceeded away became full of bravado once again.

    Personally I think its ashame such things happen and it often leaves me bewildered. I would think if you fish of such a structure,in a narrow,moderate traffic channel you have to expect that you will encounter boat traffic-hopefully couresty both ways keeps all good.

    With the mack season around the corner for those who launch of Moloolaba area I am sure the scenario will arise when you come back after the morning out thinking to use the pontoon to drop of your car driver or tie your boat up while you back your trailer down only to find several anglers using it -spread across the length of it thus making things more interesting.Maybe be its just my thought processes and I have it wrong but there seems a growing attuttide I"ll do as I please and and if that causes someone else difficulties back luck-stuff you jack I am right".

    tight lines

  2. #2

    Re: interesting behaviour

    Yeh I know what you mean. I couldnt believe a young guy that parked his 4 WD in one lane of a 2 lane ramp and proceeded to castnet and fish from the lane. I had to wait while another guy droppped his boat in the vacant lane, and the young guy wasnt at all concerned that he might get a trip in a ambulance for his troubles. He mumbled something about been fishin here all my new guys take all MY fish....

    I would have obliged him, except for the fact that I have to leave my car at the ramp while he takes revenge on it. Wasnt gonna let ramp rage ruin my nite, but gee there are some dills around.

  3. #3

    Re: interesting behaviour


    If that had happened to me and i had my kids in the boat there is no way in the world i would have gone past.i would have pulled into the beach and called the police their actions endangered my family. I know the spot you are talking about and the channel is very thin so you have to motor within a small throw of the jetty. If i had had another adult in the boat with me the people on the jetty would have been swimming for sure >
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  4. #4

    Re: interesting behaviour

    Hi Pegasus,

    Sorry to hear about your encounter with these louts.

    It's a shame that some people seek confrontation rather than trying to avoid it.

    Don't worry. They are trivial little people who will hopefully have kama come back and bite them. One day they will behave like this to someone who doesn't have the power of self control, or someone who rings the police on arriving at the boat ramp and then they will realise the stupidity of there actions.

  5. #5

    Re: interesting behaviour

    I am sure you could have swapped him a nice size mack slug for his stubbie . Getting sick of people that think there is no one else more important than themself. Whatever happened to a peaceful day on the water?

  6. #6

    Re: interesting behaviour

    No matter where you go these days you will come across these kind of clowns who seem to think the world owes them and their pitiful hangers-on some kind of an apology for the fact that they are hopeless.
    They can be seen in traffic, at the shops, exactly anywhere these days and the problem that we as a society face is that they breed and in great numbers.
    It is always even more sad when your children are exposed to the image of these derelicts at their worse, it can be memories that are hard to forget.
    Take the time to contact the police and ensure that they are made aware that children have been threatened and you will be surprised at the response that you may receive.
    Regards Cameron.

  7. #7

    Re: interesting behaviour

    Ever noticed that these knobheads are invariably mob handed, or if alone, grogged up and full of dutch courage? They're real tough nuts when p!ssed or team handed, but as meek as a kitten when not.

    Sorry your day was spoiled Pegasus but unfortunately this problem seems to be on the increase. These kind of folk are growing in numbers and the root cause (bit of psychobabble here) is that they don't like, or respect themselves, and are therefore incapable of respect for anything, or anyone else. They are basically losers (for whatever root cause) and only a good kicking, a long spell inside, or some tragedy befall them, will have them wake up to themselves.


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