I watched the news tonight and I was apalled to see Rex Hunt and his son bashed at Byron Bay. Now I have no feeling towards Rex either way, but it is just another example of how the shit-heads are running the streets whilst the decent people cower in fear. Apparently, this attack was carried out via the normal modus operandai; a gang of young men (probably fuelled up on alcahol or God knows what) visciously attack a much older (assumed to be much weaker) victim and they started by hurling abuse at Rex's wife and his son's girlfriend. How tough are these people; abusing women to lure men out to a cowardly gang bashing, the sheer numbers involved in which make the situation hopeless from the beginning for the victims. I thought Byron Bay (and the other towns like it in Northern New South Wales) were supposed to be friendly little hamlets away from the rat-race where one could get away from it all in safety with one's family, and some of the places were considered a little bit "quirky" because of the small population living an "alternative" lifestyle. Well, that's all gone out the window now. This proves once and for all that these supposedly "idyllic" little places are no safer than the major city centres they are so desperate to differenciate themselves from. It is just a natural progression that the explosion of anger and aggression that is permeating our city and suburban streets would find its way to places like Byron Bay. The local Police are stating that they are not going to investigate the matter until Rex and/or his son lodges a formal complaint. They say they no who the gang are, and they refuse to act: another win for those hell-bent on destroying the society that previous generations have handed to them as the Police seem too fast to cast such an event into the "too hard" basket. I have been to that part of the world many times since I was a small child, and I can tell you that the "dope smokin' hippies" are of little concern, as they weren't back then. I would say other things are fuelling the events of that area, and instead of making their users want to be all smiles then go to sleep, they make these young people 20 feet tall, 20 feet wide and bulletproof and juiced up on anger and bravado and hunting around for an easy target to vent their spleens on. Trouble is, when they do get caught and they are taken away from the security blanket of the gang, they are all as weak as piss and the cry the biggest, loudest crocodile tears if somebody gives them a little bit back. Piss on 'em all. As they used to say in Dad's Army, "They don't like it up 'em!" Now, the best thing Byron Bay has going for it is a highway by-pass.