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Thread: boat ramp rage

  1. #76
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy
    just to take a different angle on this thread, on occasions when it is necessary for there to be a line, I believe that your position in the que is based on when your car and trailer joins the que, not when your boat beaches at the ramp.

    Any other takes on this?

    Too Right

  2. #77

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by stubbie
    [quote author=Jeremy link=1132829675/60#70 date=1133299133]just to take a different angle on this thread, on occasions when it is necessary for there to be a line, I believe that your position in the que is based on when your car and trailer joins the que, not when your boat beaches at the ramp.

    Any other takes on this?

    Too Right[/quote]

    I go with that too. The only problem being that quite often the pissfarterarounders beach right next to the ramp leaving you on the outside. If you get your car to the ramp before 'em, then you have to negotiate your rig around theirs to get to the ramp. Jacob's well is a nightmare in this respect. They beach next to the ramp and then go to the pub or tackle shop >


  3. #78
    Ausfish Platinum Member skippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin
    [quote author=stubbie link=1132829675/75#75 date=1133337673][quote author=Jeremy link=1132829675/60#70 date=1133299133]just to take a different angle on this thread, on occasions when it is necessary for there to be a line, I believe that your position in the que is based on when your car and trailer joins the que, not when your boat beaches at the ramp.

    Any other takes on this?

    Too Right[/quote]

    I go with that too. The only problem being that quite often the pissfarterarounders beach right next to the ramp leaving you on the outside. If you get your car to the ramp before 'em, then you have to negotiate your rig around theirs to get to the ramp. Jacob's well is a nightmare in this respect. They beach next to the ramp and then go to the pub or tackle shop >



    the joys of drive on retrieval, just motor behind them. Normaly just drop off the deckie (providing they can back) and wait off the beach. Don't even have to get my feet wet if I do it right.

    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  4. #79

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Yeah Tony, I must be going senile mate. Dunno why I posted that as I don't have that problem anymore now that I have a drive on. Must be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Bad experiences stick with you for life


  5. #80
    Ausfish Platinum Member skippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin
    Yeah Tony, I must be going senile mate. Dunno why I posted that as I don't have that problem anymore now that I have a drive on. Must be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Bad experiences stick with you for life

    Geez Kev,

    Just as well the deckie's a nurse, sounds like you need professional help mate, one day at a time kev, it'll all come good

    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  6. #81

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Be courteous, patient and polite. If the ramp user is a new boatie with little experience and is having trouble reversing why not lend a hand? In normal circumstances if you are abused for no reason by impatient boaties, defend thy honour. I have seen many examples of guys swinging at the ramp only to find out the wrong way that the ramp user is an ex boxer or a martial artist and they wind up on their arse in front of everyone so be patient or offer help before spitting the dummy. After all, we are all fisherman with a common goal.


  7. #82

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by kahla_creek
    Be courteous, patient and polite. If the ramp user is a new boatie with little experience and is having trouble reversing why not lend a hand? In normal circumstances if you are abused for no reason by impatient boaties, defend thy honour. I have seen many examples of guys swinging at the ramp only to find out the wrong way that the ramp user is an ex boxer or a martial artist and they wind up on their arse in front of everyone so be patient or offer help before spitting the dummy. After all, we are all fisherman with a common goal.

    Sounds Good to me

  8. #83

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Have no problems with helping or patience for the inexperienced.

    However, those who use the ramp to chit chat, socialise, rig up, tinker with engines, etc...


  9. #84

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by sf17fisherman
    [quote author=kingtin link=1132829675/60#64 date=1133251934][quote author=sf17fisherman link=1132829675/60#62 date=1133251471],snip>

    people takeing both the cable and safty chain off so they can reverse into the water and hit the skids haveing the boat slid off the boat
    Was retrieving in Hervey Bay boat harbour one afternoon earlier this year to see a couple of "lads" who seemed well "lubricated" trying to launch an old Markem Whaler with an even older station wagon - attempt one with motors in reverse no good - so attempt two with mild reversing & stopping no good either - followed by attempt three, full boar reverse down the ramp & slam the brakes = boat starts to slide off trailer but someone had tied a 3-4m rope from the bow sprit to the winch post = very bent winch post and old family wagon exhaust burbling "what the?" under water - my deckie had a hernia trying to contol himself - there but for the grace of God ....
    Haines Hunter 650 'Horizon' 200 4st Johnson (aka Suk DF200) call sign "Dozer" or "Uripper"

  10. #85

    Re: boat ramp rage

    I've been reading this thread with a lot of interest. Now, I don't own a boat, so obviously I'm not qualified to comment on the technical do's and don'ts of launching at a ramp. It's a pretty emotional subject though, from what I've been reading.

    On the times that I have been out with somebody, we are all keen to get on the water and get into it. It's probably natural that we get anxious when we see a line up before us and the time wasting that goes on by the inexperienced, the ill prepared and the just downright ignorant. Just have a look at the aggro at shopping centre car parks around Christmas time each year. It happens to me. For some reason, I get pretty cranky if I have to go to a shopping centre around mid morning on a Saturday, and that's even before I get there. By the time I find a park, I'm looking for a Valium sandwich and a six pack of Bundy.

    One of the reasons for ramp rage could be the lack of ramps. There's a post somewhere that stated there's 200 000 boats now registered in Qld. Have the authorities done their bit over the years in providing additional ramps to cater for this? Probably not. Imagine if a locality that had 1 ramp had that number doubled to 2, then there would be a lot of happy fishos in that area. Matbe it's time to pressure the authorities into providing extra facilities for us.

    That's my 20 cents worth. Oh, by the way, Thumps and Juicyfruit, keep putting up those posts you send to each other. It's good reading!!


  11. #86

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Had tone it down a bit TOL, ppl have started thinking we are married to each other :O:O:O........but there is nothing wrong with a bit of a laugh and play during serious chat



  12. #87

    Re: boat ramp rage

    gawd...she calls it chat now....i have to talk to her afterwards???????

  13. #88

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Juicy and Thumps,

    Hi Guys. Sorry, but I'm missing something somewhere about both of your last threads. Still, when you get to my age, anything's possible.

    There wasn't anything wrong with my post, was there? Just thought things were getting a bit away from the main thrust of the subject and tried to get it back on track a bit.



  14. #89

    Re: boat ramp rage

    no mate

    she waffles crap alllllllllllllllll the time

  15. #90

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Sorry, what ya say, can't hear from the mushrooms growing out of my ear, tell ya what Thumps fertilisers them well....

    didn’t miss a thing and ya done nothing wrong....though there was some intent in getting away from the main thrust of the subject (temporary)as it (in my view) became a little on the personal attacking side of things....but yes I may have taken it a little too far the other way....sorry

    *warm hugs*


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