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boat ramp rage
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Thread: boat ramp rage

  1. #1

    boat ramp rage

    i can imagine how easy this can happen. just sat and watched boats come and go couple weekends ago at the well. just watching clowns pushing in when other boats waiting for their cars and trailers. could really snott some people sometimes. tell me your experiences.

  2. #2

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Plenty to read just search ramp rage


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: boat ramp rage

    If your talking about Jacobs Well I'd have to say that if I had to use that ramp I'd probably give boating away,I had a late lunch there a fair while back and although everyone was well behaved the volume of traffic blew me away,made Ballina and Evans look deserted even on their bussiest days.

  4. #4

    Re: boat ramp rage

    may I just say

    know your boat

    know your trailer

    and have a routine.

    it takes me 1 -2 mins to launch and retreive my boat if that!

    takes my old man 10mins! largely due to his crappy trailer, boat never sits straight. cant drive it on. doesnt come off to easy when launching it. He has skids and centre rollers, whereas I have wobble rollers (being deep vee grp boat) never have trouble retreiving my boat. just drive on\drive off

    I can understand those who have crappy trailers due to lower budgeting when buying their boat but it really is important. if everyone knew how to drive their boat on it would take seconds rather than minutes to launch and retrieve.

    so thats my analogy ramp rage due to crappy trailer myth coupled with basic lack of courtesy and common sense.


  5. #5

    Re: boat ramp rage

    got to admit someone sitting on the ramp and rigging there boat or tieing it down when there are rigging bays provided pisses me off no end more so when it is a 2 car ramp and there is a line up

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: boat ramp rage

    It's good to watch the antics down at the boat ramp on a public holiday.

    It is always amusing.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: boat ramp rage

    well said youngfisho! and yeah louis, it is very amusing - not to mention trying!!


  8. #8

    Re: boat ramp rage

    everyone can have a shocker though, it;s all about murphey's law and when you're dealing with something as large as a boat, with wind, currents, often slippery ramps and other boaties, a quick job can quickly compound

  9. #9

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Plus getting bogged on the ramp and having to take boat back off

  10. #10

    Re: boat ramp rage

    I went down to the local ramp at Gladstone to launch my boat on Sunday morning.
    It was a busy time and these guys launching two boats were standing around with their boats on the ramp chatting.
    There was a lineup of boats waiting to launch and here these guys are stuffing around talking taking up 2 spaces.
    There were lots of kids and women around and no one told them to get off but I tell you that really pissed me off.
    You can see how ramp rage can happen

  11. #11

    Re: boat ramp rage

    What about instead of laughing st people and getting angry about it, give the people a hand. We dont all have the reflexes and knowledge/experience to be time efficient at the ramp I have so far backed 4 trailers down for people having trouble on a busyday. Also helped a few times in wind and tide to get boat to trailer and retrieve.

    I dont like to put my wheels in the water so I will winch my boat up by hand(yes its a slow winch) rather than drive it on.

    Dohles rocks pine river a few months ago, early morning, 2 guys with a car parked on the 2 lane ramp fishing obviously been there all night. I have just arrived and rigging boat. People come to me and complain these guys are in the way, gee look at these people ?
    There was 3+me waiting to get in, I just went down and politely told them they were breaking the law and the ramp was likely to get quite busy soon and there will be quite a few irate people. They packed up and left straight away with apologies. A friendly word can sometimes work wonders.

    Marzoe, I used the ramp there in front of the yacht club in Gladstone for years, what used to get me was all of the cars for the local restuarant patrons parked in the double spaces for cars and boat trailers on a busy day, when we had topark up on the grass/dirt further along the waterfront.
    The Rainbowrunner
    Peter Hansler
    Click here for my webpage
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    Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.

    Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species

  12. #12

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Wait ya turn
    Have ya boat unshackled etc before heading down the ramp
    Don't shackle ya boat on the boat ramp
    Don't do all ya boat preparations etc to close to the boat ramp entrance
    Don't go down the guts of a two lane ramp
    Know ya boat
    If ya can't reverse a boat down a boat ramp, practise at home or get a longer draw bar on ya trailer
    AND GAWD SAKES!!!!.....Don't clean ya fish or throw ya bait and fish guts at the bloody boat ramp coz I’m sick to death of out running the bloody crocs (directed at Murray Creek NQ people)

    Do of this and I won’t have to take to ya with my shotgun

    Merry Christmas

    (Really am a lovely non-violent person when not at a boat ramp with ill-mannered uses)

  13. #13

    Re: boat ramp rage

    and when she can hit 98 outta 100 on clays..there isnt much room for running either

  14. #14

    Re: boat ramp rage

    ya not bad at shooting ya load either dear.....:*:*

  15. #15

    Re: boat ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by juicyfruit

    Have ya boat unshackled etc before heading down the ramp
    Don't shackle ya boat on the boat ramp
    You've obviously never seen a boat jump trailer at a ramp then?

    Mate, trying to get it back on when it's fell short of the water is no joke..........although I can laugh about it now


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