PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 catching worms in NQ???
Was wondering if anyone can tell me if there is somewhere in the townsville area that I can get beach worms, the kids watched a dvd the other day that showed how to catch them and they want to give it a go. Will we find them up here??
Al, down in Bowen there are millions that are found in the sea weed / debri mulch that sits on the latest high tide line on the open beaches. Stand on the beach and look from the water edge up to the top of the beach where sand dunes or grassed areas meet the beach. You should see a long line of sea weed, rubbish (hopefuly not too much), sticks, leaves, etc where the last high tide has peaked. Dig in the mulch and you should find a few.
Al, i think I just realised you must of seen footage of how they get the beach worms down south? ? ? ?
Was it the old fillet of mullet on the string / rope washing in the shorey's? This method doesn't work up here. we don't get the same waves and our sand is much more gritty / shelly then the nice white sand down south that hold beach worms. Us northerners simply have to dig to get our worms. Hope that helps some more.
Further to mick's description, I suspect the worms he describes are "wriggler" worms, (shorter thinner and a pale brown colour) , than beach worms.If im correct they are great bait especially for whiting.
Al, buy the kids a yabbie pump for Christmas and not only will they have much fun gathering these little fellas down the mouth of the Ross River but they'll also have some great bait to go fishing with.
Having fished extensively for whiting in the Townsville region for many years, I can confirm there are no true beach worms - there are "mud worms" and other little wrigglers.
The best yabbie pumping I have ever experienced in my life is at the mouth of the Ross River. I have a secret spot that I won't reveal until I move back to the place I love - I don't mind the Sunhine Coast but Townsville is my choice of location.