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We're off!!!
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Thread: We're off!!!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    We're off!!!

    Well guys,

    Thought I'd give it one last hurrah before heading out to Minnie Water...

    We're almost packed and ready to go, only a couple of bits and peices to go...everyone is pretty bu&&ered but we've made it...

    To all who have watched the Riptide come together, thanks for your encouragement and support.

    Its been a blast to get to know some of you a little since joining ausfish. I know I've benefited so much from the community of knowers...there is so much combined wisdom here it is not guys have made me laugh, cry, angry...sometimes I've felt such touching heart warming stuff to righteous indignation...tender moments to "rip his heart out!!!"...I've been in stitches with the humour here to humility when I posted something really disbelief as I read some of the harsh things that have been wonder as blokes repair relationships and move on. This can be a harsh medium, but the rewards are worth the risks...Thanks to Steve Brown for your vision for a forum like this...well done mate!

    But all in all I want to say thanks one and all for welcoming me into your community...I don't want to single out've all contributed to make this journey a little more enjoyable...but I do want to say a big thanks to Kingtin. were the first to respond to my dumb first post about expectant fatherhood just after we ordered the Riptide 117 days ago..has it been that long!!!! Mate I've benifited from your wisdom, humour and outlook on life. I've laughed at your jokes, got misty eyed and swelled with pride at the achievements of your kids as you've invited us to celebrate with you. You have brought wisdom and moderation to bear in some sticky posts more than once, you've encouraged me to pull my head in when needed or consider another point of view...all in all you deserve sage status...I can almost hear you saying "knock it off mate...don't just single me out...we all contribute to this site which is what makes Ausfish what it is" But I've gotta give credit where its are a legend and I wanted to say thankyou...'nuff said

    So to all my Ausfish family...moderators and members...Merry Christmas

    Lets continue to be kind to each other. Remember that there is a reason for the we can celebrate peace on earth and good will to all men in our crazy mixed up and desperate world...

    God Bless Ausfish...I'll bring the good report in a few weeks next time I'm on line



    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  2. #2

    Re: We're off!!!

    come on Rhys, speaking words of emotion and all that stuff, then run away and hide so ya dont have to reply to the post
    have a good one
    yeah you right on about kev

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: We're off!!!

    Got me Blaze

    Cheers Mate..hope the refirbishment continues well and will look forward to an update when we get back


    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  4. #4

    Re: We're off!!!

    Mate, that's a really nice post and you've got me all covered in gooosebumps and that ain't an easy thing to do. I'm *so* embarrased it's untrue.

    Thanks for the compliment although I don't feel I really deserve it, (I just speak as I find) and yeah, you're right, this *is* a community, and a damn fine one too.

    If what has been achieved here....... the free exchange of knowledge..........the laughs....... the hands of friendship........the resolved issues........the sharing of emotions etc could be translated into everyday real life for us and the world at large then the world would be so much more a better place to raise our kids.

    The whole is made up of parts and we all play a part here as we do in the real world. I won't say much more as your post seems to sum it all up at a very appropriate time of the year.

    This is an appropriate time of the year to reflect on what we have and what others have not and I would like to say with my hand on my heart that Australia is the finest place on earth for I have observed so many doing just that in their daily life. The Tsunami appeal is an example of the generosity of true Aussies. Your sense of "fair go" never ceases to amaze me, you seem to have an inborn instinct to shake hands rather than continue conflict irrespective of differing viewpoints.
    The shameful episodes down in cronulla do not reflect the true Aussi spirit and whatever happens this week-end on those Souther beaches do not, and never will reflect the nature of the folk that I have met here.

    Enjoy your break Rhys, and once again, thanks to you and to all the other members that have made my last year such an enjoyable and inspirational one.........I've shared the births, the conflicts, the joys, dissapointments, the overcoming of extreme handicap (thanks DC for humbling me) and I am proud to be counted amongst you all.

    Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi, oi oi [smiley=laola.gif]



  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: We're off!!!


  6. #6

    Re: We're off!!!

    hey Rhys
    Hope I caught you before you left.
    When your at Minnie have a look at the gutter between the mouse and North Sol, we last fished it some years ago and have fond memories of the jews we pulled out just on dark from right in the gutter.The other is the pinnacle at Sandon river never seen anything like this under water hill before.
    My question is are you still able to fish these two spots or are they included in the rec fish closure.
    Trust you can still fish them and look forward to your return and report.

  7. #7

    Re: We're off!!!


    Well said - ditto ditto ditto - same experience, incredible isn't it?.

    As for Kingtin Kev, father-of-the-decade & sage-of-the-century - again right on the mark - still cant believe he eats those catfish tho

    Haines Hunter 650 'Horizon' 200 4st Johnson (aka Suk DF200) call sign "Dozer" or "Uripper"

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