I recieved an email from the Council regarding the " abatoir " on the Pier .
The person told me that the problem is taken seriously and " measures " are underway to try and combat the problem. She went on to say that a media campgain will highlight this.
Tonight on the local news, a headline story stated that " a popular website " and " slaughter house conditions " have been instrumental in bringing to the councils attention, the condition of the Pier. "Read, Topic on Ausfish and emails & letters & phone calls from Ausfish members. "
The council also stated that " knives have been pulled by territorial fisherpersons on the Pier " in relation to maintenance and council staff.
Sunfish have undertaken steps to attain a grant for a fish cleaning facility at the Pier, but further and more importantly, Council will NOW start to Fine pollution and litter offenders.
To those that took the time and effort to make the problem known, well done. This proves it once again...................People Power does work.
Let's hope the ferets that make the mess have seen the TV campgain and take note !
Cheers Phill