Hi Guys,
After much drama and ado I have finally joined your ranks and am pretty excited about being able to join in on your fun and info. I have had a bit of drama trying to get online as I am extremely computer illiterate and i have been reading you guys' posts for months now & feel like I know most of you already. I have just purchased a new stessco 4.45m offshore with a suzuki 30 on the bum with the intention of getting back into fishing hardcore even bought a sounder for xmas.Have not been fishing seriously for 2 years as I had a 2655 bayliner widebody sierra until recently but 2 big to fish anywhere decent on gc broadwater and I'm not really an outside fisho but now I'm anxious to get back into it. Bought some sp's with no success to date but apparently it's trial & error so will probably bug the crap out of you lot 4 awhile. A week orso ago there was a post "MYSTERY FISH" regarding the sand pumping jetty and what i'm pretty sure are luderick as I've seen young blokes jagging them there before, big white travellers white with black bars and big buggers too. Anyway that's me and I'm sure we can swap some info from now on.