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Last nights storm
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Thread: Last nights storm

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Last nights storm

    Can anyone explain this?

    During last nights electrical storm I was putting a plate in the dishwasher when lightning seemed to hit somewhere in our backyard (not our house). At the precise moment it hit I got a large shock from dishwasher (proving once and for all that household chores are dangerous). I thought the lightning would have to hit the house to get a shock........Any ideas?????

    Was one hell of a storm, lightning for a good 2.5 hours almost constantly lighting the sky, would not have wanted to be out at sea.........

  2. #2

    Re: Last nights storm

    yer what a light show

  3. #3

    Re: Last nights storm

    I remember once when living at Beachmere. Lightning hit the other side of the road from my place and power shot up the phone lines and blew my answering maching to pieces. Yes it literally blew up.

    Never forgot that one and have never used a phone in a storm since.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Mar 2005

    Re: Last nights storm


    I think that it generally charges the area,( everything touching earth at the point of connection) and that your body may have recieved a inrush of charge. Because the body has no other reference point(or polarity to the strike) then there is no real path for the surge to go but just to saturate the body with charge.......very much the same as a helicopter doing live line work, they connect to the live line while hovering to stop a flash over while workers do their work. This keeps all objects at the same polarity or charge.(simple answer)

    Did you sustain any long lasting effects and did it damage anything electrical within the house?


    Lets see if these comments do not draw a response from the crowd

  5. #5

    Re: Last nights storm

    Could have hit the ground around the water mains. I've had a freind that has been shocked in the shower for the same reason .
    Lets hope the surge of power through your body has brought you 'TUNA PULLING POWER' .
    Cheers, Jay

  6. #6

    Re: Last nights storm

    Your house electricals are all grounded to the earth... Might've come up that into the electricals in the house, and then through to to the dishwasher

    You could get a lycra body suit made up with ST (Super Tuna) printed on it! It would not only protect you from the sun, but also allow you to drive around the bay catching tuna at will

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member Navi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Re: Last nights storm

    Great storm lightning just didn't seem to end , we lost power at 9 pm till 3am and I could have put the boat in the back yard and done some lap's.lmao...

    I belive that with the amount of rain that the lighting could have got you if you were touching any thing that was plugged in to a power outlet, say you were drying your hair with the misses hair you can get a boot form it to....

    cheers Chris
    may you get a bend in your rod and your esky open often

  8. #8

    Re: Last nights storm

    We call this in the Teleco industry Earth potenial rise. The ground will conduct the charge and decay out from the strick zone.

    Thats why when you see down power lines you dont go any where near them and your STEP POTENIAL could be very dangerous.

    Example if a 11,000 v feeder went down for every meter on the ground it would decay 300v if you took a 1m step between both feet you would get a 300v shock which mostl likeywould kill you.

    You dont have to touch or be near for lightening or down power lines for bad things to happen.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member Navi's Avatar
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    Feb 2003

    Re: Last nights storm


    so if we were driving our car and power lines come down in front of you you back up and don't get out ??? would the rubber tye's prevent us from getting a shock???

    Cheers Chris
    may you get a bend in your rod and your esky open often

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member 4x4frog's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Last nights storm

    Quote Originally Posted by Navi
    say you were drying your hair with the misses hair you can get a boot form it to....

    cheers Chris
    Mate in my house I'd get a boot from it too anyways if I used the hairdryer...wouldn't have to be a storm.
    I was almost going to go and have afish last night, glad I decided not to now. The storm seemed to last ages. My wife drove along Cavendish Rd from Mt Gravatt to Camp Hill this morning and said you can see where the storm went through.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Last nights storm

    All we got on the north side was a bit of rain...could see the lightning over the bay but bugger all here

  12. #12

    Re: Last nights storm

    Hi Vic1,

    Are all of your electrical connections OK after that? By that I mean is your PC (if you have one), phone and other stuff like a VCR all right?

    We've had them blow in the past. A few years ago, we lost a 700 litre freezer due to fusion after an electrical storm. Best freezer I've ever had. You could lie down in it.

    PS: Why were you putting dishes into the dishwasher? I pay wife a lot of money to do that for me.



  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Last nights storm

    All the electrical connections are fine...whenever we get a storm I'll actively pull out the TV and computer from the wall

    Angla.....I'm fine too, it was a decent jolt that sent me backwards....only thing that needed changing was my jocks

    Jay....take more than several million volts to give me the ability to catch longtails.....especially when you're driving the boat

    Fishin Dan......lycra isn't my choice of outdoor wear generally, but if means catching fish, well I'll try anything (once)

    Navi....I don't have enough hair to worry about the wife's hairdyer

    The Old Legend..........clearing the dishwasher is about the only thing I do around the house (although not anymore)

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Last nights storm

    We got blacked out at about 6pm last night and the power has just come back on now at 2pm today. 20 hrs without power. >
    Its been a drag no ausfish and no xbox to play. The deckie didnt want to play either.
    Alls better now at wonglepong.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Last nights storm

    Quote Originally Posted by theoldlegend
    Hi Vic1,

    Are all of your electrical connections OK after that? By that I mean is your PC (if you have one), phone and other stuff like a VCR all right?

    We've had them blow in the past. A few years ago, we lost a 700 litre freezer due to fusion after an electrical storm. Best freezer I've ever had. You could lie down in it.

    PS: Why were you putting dishes into the dishwasher? I pay wife a lot of money to do that for me.


    DDidn't you get the freezer repaired under your contents insurance?

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