hey guys, just read the toll that was posted bout fishing in the rain, i put a post up the other day asking people for ideas on where i could hire a tinny from, well we ended up goin to cabbage tree pointand hired a 14foot tinny with a 6 horse motor, it had a canvas top on it for shade and only cost $75 for the full day and an extra $10 for the fuel! well i got up this morning at 5am and it was pouring rain, concidered not goin but i have been waiting to go fishing for ages, at 5:30 am i got on brownies coastwatch and only saw a lil bit of rain goin over the area we were going so i thought nah stuff it, we can see thru that!!! We got out there at 7am and left to go just a couple of islands over (dont know the names of the islands but yeah) by about 9:15 we saw another big black cloud cover come over and started to worry but it completly missed us. the three of us had an awsome morning, even though we only caught 1 fish, a bloody 25cm catfish, didnt know if it was legal or notbut lookin pretty small we thru it back. but a good day was had and yeah heres a pic of the catfish i caught, looking forward to next cya's