Spot X at the Banks
Spot X at the Banks
Had a great arvo/ night last night, good to catch up with all, got to do it again in the near future.
I learnt that murphys produces big spaniards as well as reds, amazing reef that.
Westie thanks for being the taxi driver
Good night, good to meet a few guys.. needs to be done again
had a great nite
good to put a name to a face
special thanks to steve from ausfish for the stickers
hope we do it again soon
thanks westie
cheers pete
Well what a top night i thought i might be the only drinker [smiley=beer.gif] and to my supprise they should of tapped a keg on the bloody table. It was great to meet so many fella's that want to talk fishing and all that eye candy [smiley=gorgeous.gif] around the place was hard to handle to
Has anyone found get wet yet [smiley=aim.gif]{awl} i noticed that the clown went missing at the same
Thanks to Steve Brown for the goodies, they will come in very handy
Well put together Westie aka TURTLE HUNTER. Your the only man i've ever seen sit on 1 drink for 6 hours at a pub then win a meet tray toboot....Nice going for the older generation at the m&g cleaning up 1 tray each {atleast you don't have to scale and gut it for a change} [smiley=starmod1.gif]
We will have to do it again soon [smiley=starsplatinum.gif]
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
Thanks should go to Big mack for aranging the M&G I was just a helper thats all.
spiro...... I sit on fish for that long and not get any so I think I have mastered the art of self control not like some that should have bought a nappy change .
gav.... no Probs with the life home save riding the bike in the dark you never know what lurks out there in the night.
Get wet....... he got lucky on the pokies and returned later in the night with a fist full of cash and no one to buy drinks for, that is what you get for leaving to early Chris.
Chris good Idea about having a lunch time meal there with the kids and she whom must be obeyed I am sure a good turn out would be seen.
Dug or Tim have a look at your stubbie cooler it might have Daniel on it.
Don't worry though he ended up with one of yours 2 drinks and you both can't read
top night
great to meet everyone
thanks steve brown for the goodies
More pic of the night
Last one except for the female streakers and the lesbians and gav's and Spiro's little mishap
Sorry guys could not do it.
This is a family site so all incrementing pic have been destroyed.
So keep all the offers as i am not open for ANY bribes
This was the ONLY one of the naked girls running over the tables and leaning backwards.
Oh the flash never went off so sorry >
never read the post and spent the afternoon in the public bar waiting after two cokes left .........shit happens..
"whats the time"
Top nite was had by all.
Wasn't hard finding the Ausfish boys ... 15 handsome blokes sitting around drinking and gesturing how big it was!
Nice to meet a few more Sunny Coast fishos. Thanks to Steve for the merchandise, was very much appreciated.
p.s. Jeffo, do you not know where the Kawana Hotel is? I'll have to show you sometime. lol