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Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan
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Thread: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

  1. #1

    Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Did you see the news?
    There is one very expensive artificial reef for us to fish on the east coast!
    One of the jets on the reagan ended up in the drink after failing to land or stuffed up take off or who knows it porbably wasn't chained down and rolled off the top deck... you know how the media love a good story.
    anyone else catch the story????
    cheers birdy.

  2. #2

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Just another thaught [smiley=bulb2.gif]
    and this one's at the expense of the latest oil soak up going on...
    :The yanks heard that there's so much oil off the east coast of Australia that it's floating on the water!!..So sent in one of their jets for a closer look!!!!
    I knew they were here for more than just a visit lol

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan


    You watched the news by the looks but you woundnt make a reporter as you carnt even remember the story. Yes when landing it went wrong and the pilot had to eject. He was rescued and is safe and well.

    No offence intended here buy i dont like yank bashing as we should remember other than for them we would now be governed by the rising sun flag.


  4. #4

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan


  5. #5

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Hey Thunderbird - you good be on the money with Ronald McDonald Reagan!!

    In todays paper it explained that a trawler fisherman found a hessian bag filled with fast food wrappers & soft drink bottles apparently linked to Ronald Reagan. Could this massive (& impressive) ship really be Mr McDonald's home away from home ????

    P.S. C'mon Graeme - that's NOT Yank bashing...lighten up! When it comes to the crunch I am certain most Aussies appreciate what both countries do for ONE ANOTHER. The yanks are good people.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Gawby, what they lack in brains and guts they do make up for in numbers and money.

    It was probably just some aircraft that hey failed to secure on deck and fell off in the swell because all the 18 yo crew ran off to get their free coupons from the on board kentucky Fried Chicken franchise store.

    War can be hell sometimes!

    Anyway you will probably see it reenacted in a movie sometime where a Russian submarine was to blame. Better make that a Russian submarine loaded with Iraqi terrorists armed with a nuclear bomb big enough to blow up the whole world. And the Yanks sacrificed a $100 million aircraft to save us all.

  7. #7

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    As all media reports have a way of being twisted around , sometimes only for entertainment value I have the REAL story,,,
    In the shooting of a scene for the new Top Gun sequel , actor Tom Cruise blew the landing on the big carrier 'Raygun'.. Tom was apparently on the mobile and eating a big mac at the same time when attempting the tricky landing.
    "Tom is worth a lot more than that plane so were just happy he is alive" his agent said yesterday

  8. #8

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    side show cod..

    Now i heard that the Reagan cut across Jeremy's stern while trolling, and cut all his new lures off. Pissed off at this as you would be. Jeremy goes for the sling shot and his lead 10 ball, after the first shot landed short he raises his aim to get more distance with the heavy lead, at the same time a jet's on it's way in to land, the lead ball goes straight into the jet's turbine leaving the plane with no power to make the ships runway.......

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Quote Originally Posted by gawby

    You watched the news by the looks but you woundnt make a reporter as you carnt even remember the story. Yes when landing it went wrong and the pilot had to eject. He was rescued and is safe and well.

    No offence intended here buy i dont like yank bashing as we should remember other than for them we would now be governed by the rising sun flag.

    Might be a few aussies had a hand in that to matey!!
    like malaya & kokoda or were we just gun fodder??

  10. #10

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Yank bashing is good fun tho.. like clubbing ring seals or filleting grey nurse sharks.. its a good australian tradition... and geez.. with the world the way it is today.. its damn easy to kick the dirt and make a mound out of it with the ammount of crap the yanks pull..


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Graeme seems to have ALL the facts....NOT
    Ronny Raygun.s PR man are we?????
    How about a bit of good propaganda on Iraq?afganistan.?Weapons of mass Dest Etc???

  12. #12

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Remind me not to have an opinion.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member el_carpo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    I gave up talking politics on Ausfish soooooo.........

    This Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie recipes makes 6 servings.

    • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
    • 1 unbaked 8-inch pie shell
    • 2 large eggs
    • 3/4 cup dark corn syrup
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 1/4 cup butter or margarine
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 3/4 cup pecan halves

    Sprinkle chocolate chips over bottom of pie shell. Freeze at least 1 hour. Preheat oven to 375F. Melt butter or margarine. Combine eggs, corn syrup, sugar, melted butter, and salt in a bowl. Beat with electric mixer on medium until well blended. Stir in the pecans and pour over chocolate chips in pie shell. Bake 50 minutes or until filling is set. Cool before serving.

    Homer Simpson voice: Mmmmmmm chocolate chip pecan pie rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrghhhhh!

    Glad the pilot is all right.
    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

  14. #14

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    I've been quiet for a couple of days and I certainly had/have no intention of buying into politics or yank bashing (or any race for that matter) . I do think that too often it has been said that the "yanks" came into the two great wars only when it suited *their* purpose and that in "theatres of war" and diplomacy they leave a lot to be desired.

    I can only speak from my own experiences and what I will say is this: A country is only as good as it's leaders and unfortunately, the spin doctors are pretty good at convincing the general pubic (freudian slip there) that particular leaders are the best thing since sliced bread and marmite (sorry, I think it's better than vegemite) By the time the voting public discover their mistake it's too bloody late.

    Yes, they've had some sorry leaders and some pretty crap foreign policy, but I've served with yanks and have found that their "mateship" is akin to the Aussies. If you make a mate of 'em, they'll die for you and are a damn sight more reliable, than their "personna" portrays. Any country that refuses to leave a fallen soldier on foreigh soil can't be all *that* bad. The fault, I think, lies with their leadership and officer corp. I don't know what they teach 'em at West Point, but it certainly ain't the same as what Aussies teach at Duntroon or the Brits at Sandhurst.

    The majority put their flag and country above all things, and rally to the cause when they are called, but unfortuantely, that often blinds them to the futility of it all. loyalty is often misguided.

    I know they often set themselves up for a bagging with their foreign policybut please remember that the blokes who get the dirty hands are often the best mates you could find, no matter what country they hail from, and they certainly are always the first to die as they are doing now


  15. #15

    Re: Ronald Mc'Donald Reagan

    Back up!!!!
    It wasn't supose to go this way.
    I've done a lot of silly if not stupid things in my life and had plenty of shit thrown at me that i deserved.
    I'm not yank bashing, just being a clown afterall the weather's been crap and there seems no better way to pass the time than take the mickey out of someone for a laugh.
    I bet if someone polished a prop, hit a rock or left the bungs out we'd all have a bit of a laugh.
    The only thing that should be taken seriously on this site is fishing not politics or who won the war.
    cheers birdy...

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