Sad thing is it is all true....
nah octopusses are smart aren't they...
I'll have dreams about that one...
mate went fishing in his boat by himself, returned to the ramp, secured boat, he thought, and went to car to get changed into jeans as it was bloody cold, no jocks on. he went to retrieve boat and noticed his knot had come undone and his boat is drifting up river quite quickly, looked around, seemed quiet enough so he stripped off to the nuddy and jumped in to retrieve his pride and joy. Little did he knoe that on the other side of the trees was a church group bbq of about 50 people watching his antics. heclimbed back in proceeded to try and start boat but alas no keys!! Yep they are in his jeans pocket back at the ramp!! Took some time before some one would help him! Cant understand why?
You guys are a total crack-up.
By experience, I have found that cat-fish spines are so sharp that they will happily pierce the sole of any footwear, even steel-cap work boots, had to test the theory a second time with the other foot at a later date , just to be sure.
Don't throw muddies at the old man as a joke.
Don't have an stories yet(only new to boating). But now have a great range to choose from if ever i want to knock off the captain!! Cheer fellas!! Look out honey!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Was doing some amatuerish spearfishing with a mate in a few metres of water about 30 miles south east of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea many years back. We had used a tiny inflatable to paddle out about one K to the reefs edge ...........The Coral Bommies up there are up to 10 metres round with huge holes in them. As I was diving down for a looksee he passed me on the way up in quite a state. His eyes were like saucers behind his goggles and he was simulating the launch of the space shuttle. Ever fearless, I got inside the Bommie and started happily doing a run around the coral. What I didn't know was that there was bloody great shark happily doing a lap of honour in the opposite direction! Yehah, now I knew what had scared my mate. With images of appendages being ripped and torn off me and the ridiculous warning ringing in my ears "allways swim slowly away from a shark", I thrashed, kicked, groped. spluttered and clawed my way to the surface. Egads, where has the ducky gone? I espies my intrepid mate in it with the little plastic paddles almost bent double as he departed for the shore. With no difficulty whatsoever I walked over the water and launched myself into the boat. At this stage I should mention that 3-pronged spears and rubber boats ane nor all that compatible!! Woooooosh, speared the side cell and down we start to go. But there's my wild trashings about the floor of the ducky, my left hand encountered a couple of dead Butterfly Cod (Scorpion Fish) that we speared. The pain of this sting was dwarfed by the prospects of being gently torn apart by a berserk maneater no doubt right behind us and we rowed that soggy sponge of a boat at a great rate of knots and must have gone up the sand about ten metres. During this adventure, the ladies were happily sipping champers on the beach and saying "Oh look, the boys are coming back quickly, they must have a lot of fish". Being a bit "duh" in those young days I put my hand in a bag of ice (wrong!!) and finished up on morphine with a blue/black hand that gave me a new definition of pain!
Fella's I have not had a good laugh like that for a real long time. I don't have a boat but, I have learnt......... Don't drink too much at 2:00am in the morning, in the middle of winter on Kangaroo Island whilst fihing, and then expect to be able to walk towards 'the sound of splashing water', think that you can see in the dark, AND expect not to do 3 summersaults before landing upside down, completely under water in a freeziong river (that I am sure wasn't there 2 hours earlier...).
It's amazing how much the landscape of a beach can change when the tides going out near an estuary!
right, wear a hard hat when teaching newbies to fish, I took me mum fishing, was teaching her to cast and bam, I had a 50gramm lead belt me on the back of the head, and then don't expect to fish through concussion, doesn't work as it affects your casting and I caught every tree in the area
also, if there is something you think you should go to the hospital for, then go, a few years ago, I slipped on some rocks and broke 2 fingers, I duct taped them up and tried to carry on fishing, and couldn't hold my rod, also, lsat week, I slipped on te same patch of rocks that I broke my fingers, and cut my arm open, a gash that was 10cm long, half a cm wide and basically thriugh to muscle, I clean it up, bandage it up, the problem is, it wont stop p****ing blood, I go all dizzy and feel like I'm gonna pass out, that's when I called it a day
Thanks folks I'm laughing between the sympathetic tears some lessons are never forgotten.
Never ever and I mean ever...........
Have a few beers and think it would be funny to get that big mud crab to latch onto your mates bum while he is fishing.
Throw a tied up croc into a mates passing boat..... (THEY ALL JUMPED OUT)
let your 4 year old see you take the split pin out of the prop nut (they learn quick at that age)