Guys & Girls - just wondering how you all feel when you catch a big fish and after - If for instance it is a really big snapper or huge spaniard or AJ ..............after the initial elation do you feel sorry for the fish beacuse it was just doing its thing and having breakfast to stay alive? And do you recognise it for breeding stock and release ?
On a couple of recent trips I caught a very large cod at Currimundi - about 40lbs and as soon as I saw it I said no way I can keep that; have to release him or her and let swim again. On another trip - I caught a very very nice knobby and I actually felt a bit sad when I put him in the fish box and he thumped a couple of times. I rationalised keeping that fish because I hadnt caught a really big one for such a long time; all the fish usually being in the smaller school class. On another trip - my dad caught two beautiful knobbies one after the other (he said his dad was watching over him and put him on to two special fish) he kept one and felt like releasing the second and I think that gave him more pleasure in seeing it swim away.
Do you feel different about different fish - ie when the spotties are about and there are plenty around I dont feel the same as if its one of the bigger trophy fish mentioned earlier.
Is fishing an emotional sport for you ? Inetersted to know