From the number of posts lately on BOM - mentions of Seabreeze & Buoyweather etc. there is a great deal of interest being shown by responsible Boaties in learning what makes the whole system tick. OK, let me rush in right here and now and say:
NO I do NOT have the tag "World's Best Meteorologist" after my name! And secondly some of the answers from guys herein indicates a top knowledge of the weather and many of them can probably show me a few tricks on the weather here and then.
After flogging big jets around the world for about thirty years, 8 years with VMR Vicky Point, approval to conduct weather courses by Australian Aviation and Maritime authorities and a fascination with weather, I might be able to clear up some of the mysteries of local weather and if that meant ONE single Boatie learnt something or maybe saved a boat and passengers from harm, then it would be worth it.
But of course there is a catch! I don't mind putting in regular articles of an INFORMATORY nature only providing the minority of moaners and groaners don't start attacking the contents. I don't have all the answers and have been out myself many times and and been pounded to death when the forecast (and me) thought it would be OK. Goes with the territory!
Your call guys, if you think there is a genuine need for some online education I can do my bit but if not, I won't lose any sleep!
Like me mate SUBZERO (Lloyd Finn) who runs top Radio Courses at VMR Vicky Point, I had often thought of running weather courses for Boaties but kinda luke warm on the whole thing ......................... not sure what the response would be.... personally a hands on course at Vicky Point would be far better for everybody but that does present logistical and time problems for many guys...dunno ..
As this topic is related to Boating Safety maybe the Webby could make it a Sticky Topic for awhile?