Wnet for a bit of a fish early this afternoon based on what was a pretty reasonable forecast for where I was going ('Pin area). About 2PM 20-25knot SE change came through. Fair enough I thought, weather forecaster can get it wrong sometimes. When I got home thought I'd just look on the web to see what they have changed the forecasts to.
Seabreeze and Buoyweather were way out with the change nowhere to be seen.
Then I got onto my third option the BOM. Go into Brisbane metro forecasts and Moreton bay forecast issued at 1624 says change this evening (even though it had been here for 2.5 hours already). Out of interest went into the marine forecast section and looked at the moreton bay forecast (which I always thought was the same as the one on the Birsbane metro page) and it was issued at 1506 and said SE winds 15-20 knots (which is actually correct!!!!).
Does anyone know why there is such a discrepancy in two forecasts issued by the same authority for the same area????