Rather than wait for the final bugs to be ironed out, and some of the unfinished sections to be completed, I’ve decided to put my web page up now exclusively for Ausfish users.
The main reason for this is so members can use the tidal data – a lot of work has gone into the software that displays tides etc so it seems a waist not to at least use that part of the web page.
I'm keen to get people to participate - send photos, sayings, video footage etc - if you have something of interest, email me and we'll make it the feature of the week.
Developments over the next few weeks include:
Speeding up the loading
Completion of the kid’s page
Lots more video
Lots more locations
Lots of bugs to weed out.
Email me with errors or things that don’t work - just remember, this is an Ausfish exclusive of a work in progress.
Dave ><>