This is worth a look.
This is worth a look.
You can't win can you King Snapper, North West Snapper product of Vietnam. Why can't they call it for what it is and not give it a name to make it sound more acceptable.
I was listening to radio show recently and the marketing people were trying to find a name for kangaroo so they could sell it locally.
That stuff looks pretty awful. The barra doesn't look like any barra I've ever caught. At least we can eat the occasional decent fish that we catch. Pity poor old granny across the road that ends up eating that sh*t. Maybe we should all adopt a granny for a decent feed of fish every few weeks!!!Originally Posted by Chanquetas
Hey Guys, Give the ol' fish n' chip near the jetty at Urungan, MATE BL#$DY Beaut!
I read something in the courier mail about "Pacific Dory" a couple of months ago and it put me off eating the crap for life. Nowadays I only get fresh local fish and nothing frozen or imported - you have to pay a little more for it but it is worth it.
Another thing along similar lines is the sale of vanamai prawns (not sure of the spelling) - also imported from vietnam or is it china and I think they are kept caged under chicken pens so their diet consists of chicken shit no doubt laced with a bit of bird flu for good measure. I wouldn't touch em with a bargepole but coles and woolies still sell em but under the name tropical whites.
Lot to be said for catching your own I reckon.
Lucky I hadn't eaten before I read some of this thread.
I was at the Mooloolaba co-op fish and chip cafe in Dec. The woman next to me asked the bloke serving "is this local fish". The bloke threw his arms in the air and said to the woman " look at all the trawlers tied up at the wharf out the back, we'd be mad not to sell local fish and prawns" he then added "everything here was caught off those trawlers".
The woman was very impressed and proceeded to buy some prawns. I was very impressed too as one tray in front of me had crayfish with a sign "Tasmanian Crayfish" next to them were green lipped mussels marked "NZ Green Lipped Mussels" there was swordfish, atlantic salmon, brown trout, Scottish smoked kippers, vanamai prawns, farmed prawns etc. From what I saw the only local produce was the med king prawns they wanted $34/kg for. How dumb do these people think we are, the tosser serving at the counter was cleaning the toilet half an hour later, he was probably the expert on premises.
ok....never bought these but what is seafood extender....see it at all the big shops![]()
cheers rick
ok....never bought these but what is seafood extender....see it at all the big shops![]()
cheers rick
Hi Rick, I cannot verify this as I just read it on another forum...Originally Posted by rickraider
Crabsticks are made from surimi, which is made from fish whiteflesh (normally pollack, blue whiting) on huge factory processing ships that can pump out 500+ tonnes a day. The fish are basically filleted, put in a big mo fo of a blender, the fish mince is then rinsed in water, which removes most of the oils freom the flesh, and releases gelling agents which when strained produce the consistency of crabsticks, this can then be flavoured (normally with prawn/crab/lobster oil, and can be extruded in different shapes to produce everything from crab sticks, crab claws, scallops, and the good ol' seafood extender.
I live in Townsville and have noticed how many resturants and pubs try to serve this sub standard sh*t for fresh fish. The last time I asked about the Basa fillets on the menu, I was given a piss weak excuse about availability of the local product. I now struggle to find anywhere here in North QLD that doesn't serve this crap. I will give credit to the one of the local fish wholesalers, Ingham Road Seafoods, who does a great job of educating the local community about these cheap imports. If you want to have a decent feed of fresh fish in Townsville I would see the guys there to point you in the right direction for who is buying the local products
This is despicable! I'm sure our Austrlalian catfish would beat the pants off any type of fish on offer for import. The "B" company even gets the "barramundi" mixed up with what looks to be pearl perch! Not happy Jan!
The name should honestly reflect the fish caught or sold. People should push hard for the point of sale to say what it is and where it is from - either Mekong catfish or whatever. This is the only way for people to realise.
I reckon the main problem here is that we have been taken over-hijacked,by giant faceless corporations who's only concern is for their profits.These corporations regard people as the lowest common denominator and will stoop to any low level in the name of profits even if that means our food is pumped full of all manner of crap like preservatives and hormones which no one knows what effect they have in the long term.Some foods are protected by privacy laws because the recipe is considered valuable and therefore can't be disclosed which means they can put everything from carcinogens to deadly poisons into it and the authorities are powerless to prevent it.
The only way to be sure of what you are eating is to grow/catch your own-don't expect supermarkets or anyone else to give a toss about the quality being sold-if they could wrap a turd in x-mas paper and sell it to you to feed your family they would do it have no doubt about that!.Jace.
Do they have bag limits for trawlers? and other commercial fishers? years ago my brother worked on a prawn trawler(oh the shame!) and he said that even though the skipper only had a prawn license they often ground fish caught in the nets down into fish paste and sold it as well.
How come I can go to a seafood shop and buy undersized fish which I would be pinged for if I caught?.The recreational boat industry is a multibillion dollar concern-what about our rights?.If you stopped all commercial fishing that would be great for fish stocks wouldn't it?How about stopping the bulldozing of mangrove fish nurseries to make way for new canal estates? Anyone remember DUX CREEK on Bribie?
What is really needed is a truly representative organisation to flex the muscle of the thousands of boaties and fisherman and women who spend a large fortune on fishing related products week in and week out.
Without a loud strong voice they will treat us all like a bunch of dummies!.Jace.
I really don't care what the supermarkets and fish shops sell to the public, so long as it is ACCURATELY labelled according to species and origin. Then people can make an informed decision what they eat, knowing that the budget end of the market is likely to be the shit fed rubbish.
It burns me that Joe Blow has no idea what "Pacific Dory" is.....neither Pacific nor Dory......if you sold any other product in Australia with misleading descriptions, the ACCC would fine you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Yesterday it was choice of fish and Chips or pizza so I went to a fish and chip shop I use in Gladstone. The fish selection was Cod, Mackerel, Sweetlip and Coral Trout. I said to the young girl that I wanted Mackerel and then just as question I asked her if it was Imported or Australian. And with the most innocent look she said it was imported as it was Spanish. Well after those cooking picked themselves up off the floor laughing at the young girl who was extremely embarrassed she said she didn't know as noone had asked her before in the last 2 years she had worked there, at least she was honest.