I have heard about a device which apparantly emits a sound frequency into the water which attracks sharks.
Has anyone used this device for shark fishing?
Does it work well?
I have heard about a device which apparantly emits a sound frequency into the water which attracks sharks.
Has anyone used this device for shark fishing?
Does it work well?
I believe a kicking and screaming wife held over the side is very effective.........!
Perhaps your right.
Well put.
Don't ever loose your sense of humour Pink Panther.
A good sense of humour is a wonderful thing.
Theres a device called a shark shield which is used to repel sharks and these work very well!!! Have never heard about a shark attracting device other than alot of tuna oil and whole fish!!Originally Posted by Louis
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
there certainly is but they dont come cheap.
I forgot to mention that you were a very good shark attracting devise rob!!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
Pacific Islanders have used 'shark rattles' for centuries to attract sharks and pelagic fish. Sound from hard stones banged against each other under water causes a vibration detected by the lateral line of the top of the food chain fishes from great distances. The guys conducting great white cage diving tours in the Bight bang metal bars against the boat as an attractant that travels underwater at 5 times the speed of sound in air and for distances far greater than the berley trail (50km or more).
For more info on fish attraction, check Feb QFM pg 35 - 'Fish Attraction and Location'.
Haven't heard of shark attracting device you mention, but would work on same principles of sound transmission.
The perfect attractant would be to hook up on a good sized trevally and leave in the water so distress vocalisations and vibrations from the struggling trevor can be detected by nearby sharks. Have played that game many times with tailor in the surf to attract dolphins and sharks. Can see the dolphins coming from kilometres away. Doesn't do much for the tailor schools though.
Some fish vocalise more than others - trevally and jew in particular are quite loud.
I know I am opening a can of worms here but would be interested in members thoughts.
Thanks for the info Slider
I'll get that QFM mag and have a look.